
Cancel contract

I am trying to cancel my contract with NOS due to moving away to a new country. I mentioned this in the shop and later that day i received a call. My portuguese is not great but i can follow a normal conversation. They told me that moving away is not a valid reason to cancell the contract and i should tell them who will move into the house so they can change the contract to their name. I have no idea who the next renter will be and when the landlord will find something, I just want to cancell the contract. How is moving away not a valid reason to cancell the contract???

Melhor resposta por Tiago C. 22 January 2019, 13:12

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287 Comentários

Reputação 7
Crachá +5

Hello @SiCooper ,

We replied to your private message.

Thank you for your understanding

I have been sending messages for 12 days. CAlling for 12 days - still connected :unamused:   What does it take to cancel a contract that can be cancelled at any time???

Reputação 7
Crachá +2

Hi @philm,

We replied to you here:


Thank you

So when will you cancel the contact 

I haven’t had a proper response yet 

over 2 weeks of trying 

Reputação 7
Crachá +6

Hello @philm

We have already replied to your private message. 

Thank you!

Your company is an absolute disgrace. I finally got a call back and despite proving that the original address given to send in written confirmation is wrong (the Portugal postal service says the address doesn’t exist) I am not being told that my billing may still be needed.


Your colleague just cut me off and was not prepared to help further.



Reputação 7
Crachá +5

Hello @SiCooper,

We’re sorry to hear that. We will help. 

We appreciate if you could address us this matter through private messages, so that we’re able to further assist you. 

Thank you


I’d rather other customers could see the level of incompetence here rather than hide this through the PM route. It also holds you to account to actually resole this.

My last private message to @Forum for others to see…


“I do not like wasting 14 weeks of my life during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC and risking my health to go to a post office when I am treated like this by NOS.

I insist that someone senior that speaks good English phone me immediately before I contact the Police, ANACOM and the media”.


*resolve this...

Reputação 7
Crachá +5

Hello @SiCooper

We apologize for the inconvenience. 

In order for us to assist you in this process, we ask that you send us a private message with your info to the @Fórum profile, where we’re already analyzing this matter.

Thank you for your understanding

You obviously haven’t read above.


Other customers please note the attempt to hide NOS incompetence.

I had same experience with NOS. I moved residence and NOS failed to install services (internet and TV package) in my new residence in August 2020. I was informed by NOS that satellite dish is not allowed and there is no NOS cable in the new apartment building so nothing could be done. I BEGGED NOS to cancel my contract. Why should I pay when I did not receive the service????? I spent at least 20 hours on phone with NOS “customer service” and made several visits to NOS shops. I was provided NO solution and yet continue to receive bills. Why does NOS not cancel a contract when it cannot provide a service? Is it legal to charge a customer for up to two years without providing a service ? 

Reputação 7
Crachá +6

Hello @Please let me free of NOS

Please, send us a private message with your customer number to @Fórum

Thank you

Private messages are a waste of time.


I have just received this email.  I have been trying to cancel this contract since January 2021 and you now have the indecency to send me this.


I will go the Police and media given this harassment unless someone contacts me by the end of next week.  You should be ashamed of yourselves NOS!


N/ Ref: ECC2021.26649


Caro/a senhor(a),



De acordo com a informação que temos, continua por pagar a sua dívida à NOS. Se já a pagou, por favor ignore este email.


Por favor, pague até 26-06-2021 o valor em dívida à NOS

Representamos a NOS Comunicações, SA, e informamos que o valor da sua dívida, referente à conta 1.52578929_1, é de €114,23. Este valor é a soma de:

●    €88,89 de faturas em atraso

●    €1,34 de juros pelo atraso no pagamento

●    €24,00 de indemnização pelos encargos associados à cobrança.


O que acontece se não pagar dentro do prazo

Se não pagar até 26-06-2021, a NOS será obrigada a recorrer a tribunal para receber o pagamento. Se isso acontecer, o valor em dívida vai aumentar devido aos custos com advogados, agentes de execução, juros, taxas judiciais, entre outros.


Como pode pagar para resolver a situação?

Para evitar mais custos e inconvenientes, deve pagar o valor total em dívida até 26-06-2021. Use estes dados para fazer a transferência bancária:

●    IBAN: (PT50) 0043 9999 1140 6534 9824 8

●    Montante: €114,23

Não precisa de nos enviar o comprovativo da transferência.


Em alternativa, pague por cheque ou vale postal:

1)  passe-o à ordem de NOS Comunicações, SA

2)  escreva no verso o número 1.52578929_1

3)  envie-o para Av. Senhora da Hora, 357 4460-422 Senhora da Hora


Prefere pagar este valor em prestações?

Envie-nos uma proposta de pagamento em prestações. Vamos apresentá-la à NOS e entraremos em contacto logo que seja possível.


Se aderir a serviços da NOS, pode não ter de pagar o valor em dívida

Se escolher contratar até 26-06-2021 novos serviços, a NOS poderá não cobrar o valor em dívida ou parte dele. Deverá contactar-nos para esse efeito.


Caso tenha equipamentos da NOS em seu poder, agradecemos que os devolva no prazo máximo de 8 dias

Os equipamentos (boxes, routers, incluindo todos os cabos e transformadores) que a NOS lhe forneceu para usar os serviços que contratou e que sejam propriedade da NOS, devem ser devolvidos no prazo máximo de 8 dias. Se ainda não devolveu os equipamentos, por favor entregue-os numa das lojas. Consulte a lista das lojas onde pode entregar aqui.

Se preferir ligue para que seja agendada a recolha (gratuita) na morada que indicar.


O que acontece se não devolver os equipamentos propriedade da NOS?
Os equipamentos necessários para usar os serviços da NOS têm custos. Por isso, se a NOS não receber o(s) equipamento(s) até ao fim do prazo agora indicado:

●    teremos de lhe pedir que pague o correspondente ao seu valor comercial.

Pode consultar o valor comercial dos equipamentos em NOS.pt.

●    não será creditado o “Valor por não ter devolvido os equipamentos” indicado nas faturas.


Estamos à sua disposição para qualquer esclarecimento

Para qualquer dúvida, contacte-nos:

●    ligando grátis 800 932 900, de segunda a sexta-feira, entre as 09h00 e as 20h00 (horário Portugal Continental)

●    enviando email para ApoioClientes.Contencioso@nos.pt

●    do estrangeiro, ligando +351 220 736 587 (chamada paga).


Com os nossos cumprimentos,


Os Advogados


Joana Buco

Armando Rodolfo Silva


Hi good evening, now I am out side of portugal, due to I am not abale to come back in portugal I want to cancel my NOS internet contract which is 2 years period but till now only that one years. I using NOS internet since 3 years but when I shift the home I told them to shift my service but they make new contract in new home. So please help me to cancel my internet service thank you.

Reputação 7
Crachá +2

Hi @Surya rajbhat,

Welcome to Fórum NOS.

Please send us a private message to @Fórum profile with your client number. We Will help you as soon as possible.

Thank you

I agreed with the NOS store manager that I was able to cancel my contract due to having to unexpectedly leave Portugal. I have provided evidence of leaving to my home country and had confirmation that the services were suspended. I have now received a notification that I have to pay a penalty for this to avoid court. Can you please update your records as it was approved and confirmed that this wouldn’t be an issue. Thank you

Reputação 7
Crachá +5

I agreed with the NOS store manager that I was able to cancel my contract due to having to unexpectedly leave Portugal. I have provided evidence of leaving to my home country and had confirmation that the services were suspended. I have now received a notification that I have to pay a penalty for this to avoid court. Can you please update your records as it was approved and confirmed that this wouldn’t be an issue. Thank you

Good afternoon, so that the Forum moderation can analyze and help as much as possible, send your NOS customer number to the @Fórum  profile and wait for contact.
Reputação 7
Crachá +6

Hello @HARRIET DORA REA  and @Jose Rodrigues

@HARRIET DORA REA, o @Jose Rodrigues given some good help. To be able to help us, please send us your customer number to @Fórum, by private message. 

Thank you 


3 month ago I moved to new apartment and wanted to change contract to new address. But when I came to NOS store the stuff checked the address and find out that NOS unable to connect my new building. So they told me that it’s a legal reason to close the contract without any additional fees. 12.10 point in the contract. 

12.10. A NOS Comunicações ou o Cliente poderão, ainda, rescindir o Contrato nos casos em que a utilização do Serviço seja impedida por facto imputável a terceiros ou não sejam obtidas as autorizações necessárias para a instalação dos meios técnicos indispensáveis à prestação do mesmo ou nos casos em que se alterem as condições de utilização desses meios técnicos que comprovadamente prejudiquem a qualidade de prestação do Serviço, nomeadamente, causando interrupções, interferências ou outras graves dificuldades na sua utilização pelo Cliente.

But few days ago I get the email that said that I still need to pay 180EUR because I violated point 14 of the contract. 

Today I contacted the support again and they told me just “no we can’t do anything about it and I need to pay the fee”. Can you please provide me the details what exactly I violated in point 14 of the contract? 

Reputação 7
Crachá +6

Welcome to Fórum NOS @Kirill Emelianov

Please, send us a private message with your customer number to the @Fórum. We will check your situation. 

Thank you 

Sure, sent it to @Fórum!

I want to end the contract with NOS because I am leaving the country. How can I do that? I will not pay any royalty fees considering I am leaving the country for good. I was told I can send you an addres or a ticket and that you could cancel it.
