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I am trying to cancel my contract with NOS due to moving away to a new country. I mentioned this in the shop and later that day i received a call. My portuguese is not great but i can follow a normal conversation. They told me that moving away is not a valid reason to cancell the contract and i should tell them who will move into the house so they can change the contract to their name. I have no idea who the next renter will be and when the landlord will find something, I just want to cancell the contract. How is moving away not a valid reason to cancell the contract???
You have to go to a Nos shop and say you want to cancel your contrat, then you have to fill a form they have there.

They will call you on the same day asking why you want to cancel and only then you can deal with them the terms of the cancel.

Other option is if you are registered on the client area you have an option there to send a email to them saying you want to cancel and after that they will call you back.

Regarding the the items you are using the shops are not allowed to acept them, that's why they can't help you. Only after the contrat cancel they will call you back and deal with you the day to go to your house to colect the items.

hope that helps.

Hello,  as my portuguese is not very good, but I know NOS speaks english, when they issue the contract the english was very, very good.  Now I am trying to cancel my contract, but all of a sudden nobody speaks english and I receive no answers.  If these people dont want to reply to their customers then, I will just have to give the problem to my lawyer in Vilamoura who will insure that it is taken care of and will pass the costs of doing this to NOS.  This should not be necessary, but NOS likes to play games with us english speaking people.  I went to Silves to visit the NOS store and the guy who spoke english to me one year ago now understands no english.  With my little knowlege of portuguese I understood that I will have to wait for a phone call to come from NOS, afterwards I can go to Silves and sign the cancellation paperwork.  What kind of service is this? After issueing 4 emails to NOS and receiving no reply, I will pass this on to my lawyer in 2 weeks if no satisfaction is reached.  Why does it have to be this way?  And NOS wonders why their service is rated low!

Boa tarde @Naiara Rigamont,

Para esse efeito, por favor, envie uma mensagem privada para o perfil @Fórum com o número de telemóvel em causa e número de cartão de cidadão associado.


Boa tarde @Naiara Rigamont,

Agradecemos a sua mensagem.

O @Jorge C partilhou uma boa ajuda. Aguardamos o seu testemunho.


Dear Nos, I tried to cancel my NOS service already 5 times on the phone, nobody will help me. I even tried to take the equipment to the NOS shop in my town here in porto and they would not accept it. Also, my contract has expired. I am leaving for 2 years . I want to cancel. Why cant I do this?

Boa tarde, se está fora do seu periodo de fidelização, basta que preencha e entregue numa loja NOS o Formulário de Denúncia Formulário de Denúncia NOS.

Deve pedir um justificativo da entrega.

Caso surjam problemas, envie uma mensagem privada para o perfil @Fórum com o seu numero de cliente e o pedido de desativação dos seus serviços.

Good afternoon, if you are out of your loyalty period, simply fill in and deliver the NOS Report Form to a NOS store.You must ask for proof of delivery.If problems arise, send a private message to the @Fórum  profile with your customer number and the request to deactivate your services.

Boa tarde,

Agradecemos o seu testemunho @Naiara Rigamont,

Recebemos a sua mensagem privada e estamos a acompanhar este tema.
Contamos ser breves na resposta.


You obviously haven’t read above.


Other customers please note the attempt to hide NOS incompetence.

@Jen Addington , good afternoon, please send a personal message to @Fórum with your client number and detailing the issues. They will help.


This issue appears to be resolved now. Thank you Inês B. for the attention to the issue.

Hi @Oliver Stevens,

We’ll reply to your last message as soon as possible.

Thank you

Hello @rebekka oomens,

We apologize for the situation.

We’ve received your private message and will assist on solving this matter.

We’ll reply yo your private message as soon as possible.

Thank you 

My contract was quit in November 2022 and now you send me an email that I did not paid an invoice from March 2023 and you are threatening me to go to court!!?! I can’t believe this! What is this with your company?!!!

attached the email!

this is so so so so bad and so rude! Please send me a rectification immediately! 


It really seems you still didn’t cancel your contract 🤣

now done

yeah i tried to argue this as well, but they are impossible to talk to. And moving out of the country is not a reason to cancel a contract they say and I have to pay this ‘fine’ or my option was to keep the contract continue on.. its unbelievable



yes moving out is a legal enough reason to cancel the contract. 

Since its easy to see that u dont rly understand how portugal works, were we go: 

All the isp’s in portugal do that scare tactic of sending threats to follow to court if you dont pay. Its just a shakedown, dont mind it, just block the sender, no one is going after you xD 

There would be no point for them to go to court nowing they’re asking fore money that they’re not going to get cus the law is in your side. Even if u just moved houses would be reason  enough to cancel the contract without any penalty.

Um bem haja 

Please I want to cancel my NOS contract as soon as possible

I am driven absolutely insane trying to cancel with this terrible company who are clearly being obstructive and abusing their customers by making it extremely difficult to cancel..I am at the point now where my only apparent solution is cancel my direct debit and file a court case against them for their low dishonest practices which will surely be seen as illegal in the European courts if that how far they want to carry on their nonsense

Hello @Paady,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We’re sorry to know you’re having difficulties with this. We’ll assist you.

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer Number a NIF.

Thank you 



Thank you for your feedback.

We’ve received your private message and are following up on this matter.

We’ll reply to your message as soon as possible.

Thank you


Thank you for reaching out to us. We’ll assist on solving this issue.

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer Number.

Thank you 

Bom dia @Naiara Rigamont
Lamentamos a demora. 
Ainda não nos foi possível responder à sua mensagem, vamos fazê-lo o mais rápido que nos for possível, pelo que pedimos a sua compreensão. 

Em alternativa, pode formalizar o cancelamento na loja NOS. 


I am going round in circles trying to find how to cancel my contract and arrange for collection of equipment. I want the contract to terminate at the end of September so do not want to ask for the termination without being able to specify when it needs to continue to . My contract is telefone fixo, Tv and internet .

I would like to do this online not via post or shop. 

Hi @Marina Ljubenovic, welcome to Fórum NOS.

We want to help you but, since it's a question regarding your service, we suggest that you call us. Check the available support lines here.

Disgraceful company....shame shame shame. I will go on every expat Facebook website etc to warn all never get involved with NOS.... dispicable.....stinks of corruption

I agreed with the NOS store manager that I was able to cancel my contract due to having to unexpectedly leave Portugal. I have provided evidence of leaving to my home country and had confirmation that the services were suspended. I have now received a notification that I have to pay a penalty for this to avoid court. Can you please update your records as it was approved and confirmed that this wouldn’t be an issue. Thank you

Good afternoon, so that the Forum moderation can analyze and help as much as possible, send your NOS customer number to the @Fórum  profile and wait for contact.

Good afternoon, you should send your number of NOS customers by PRIVATE MESSAGE to the moderation of the Forum so that moderators can analyze your case, send your data to the @Fórum  profile.
