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I am trying to cancel my contract with NOS due to moving away to a new country. I mentioned this in the shop and later that day i received a call. My portuguese is not great but i can follow a normal conversation. They told me that moving away is not a valid reason to cancell the contract and i should tell them who will move into the house so they can change the contract to their name. I have no idea who the next renter will be and when the landlord will find something, I just want to cancell the contract. How is moving away not a valid reason to cancell the contract???



Thank you for sending us a message.

We’ll reply to you as soon as possible.



I’m writting that in english as my portuguese is not good enough.


I’m come here to explain how badly this entreprise is taking care of their clients.


3 Months ago i had to moved house in Azores because of Covid. I send a mail to Nos and call them to explain that i want to cancel my contract according to their term and condition warning them one months in advance. And here start the worst experience i ever had in my life.


The mail was answer by a don’t worry we are taking care of it. No news from it.

I called the phone support and God forgive this is Hell on earth. Between people telling you everything and their opposite to people being extra rude and people treating me for simply wanting to cancel legally a contract. I had people promissing me that by the week it would be done. I had people asking me paper that i send by the day to them Some even told me they would refund me money and others telling me to pay enormous amount of money. I had people treating me and my wife. And the last contact was simply you cannot cancel the contract.


I mean did i sign a contract with the Devil ? Am i obligated to stay with NOS until i Died ? What the hell is that ? Three months ?


So I’m currently in contact with lawyer and consumer association to see what can be done. But If you had this experience just tell me how did you solve it ?


The worst company i ever had to work with. Changing service as soon as i can because this service is the worst

Welcome to Fórum NOS @Julien Peyrat

We apologize immensely for the delay in our response.
In order to help us, we ask that you send us a private message with your NOS customer number to @Fórum, please.

Thank you

I want to cancel my contract internet data card its already one year contract closed please i want closed my contract 



Olá @Paulraj,

We’re sorry for the delay of our answer.

In order to help you, please send us a message with your client number through @Fórum profile.

Thank you

I have been trying to cancel my contract for a week and spent a lot of money on phone calls from England to Portugal without success.  Please help.

Hi @SiCooper,

In order to help you, please send us a message with you client number, through @Fórum profile. You just need to click on “Enviar Mensagem” button.

Thank you

now done

Hello @SiCooper

We apologize for the delay. :sweat:

We will answer you as soon as possible.

Thank you

Hi Team, (for some reason i am unable to create a new discussion so posting here)

Been trying to speak to someone in English over the phone but cant really work around what to press to get to that option. I have already moved out of country and my contract period is over and would like to terminate the services.
Client nuimber: CXXXXXXXX

i would appreciate if someone could call me to speed up the process

@Ana P. 

 still have not had a phone call on the number I asked you to phone
0044 777 562 1685

I am now getting emails about why I haven't paid my bill.

I have been trying to cancel my contract now for nearly 6 weeks!!!!

please phone immediately

Hi @Mohammad Shahbaz,

Thank you for sending us a message.

We’ll reply to you as soon as possible.


Hi @SiCooper,

We’re sorry once again for the delay of our response.

Please check your inbox, we answered you from there.

Thank you

You didn’t that is the point!


I am stuck in England!! Your email says I have to visit a store in Portugal or post something in Portugal!!

Hi, i have not lived in Portugal for than a year and have been trying to cancel my contract since and guess what still unsuccessful.

How can i go about doing this from aboard?

and NOS “Robots” please do not reply or comment with the following:

In order for us to be able to verify your situation, we ask that you send us your NOS customer number or the taxpayer number the holder by private message.”  

We regret any inconvenience caused. 😞 We have already requested an analysis as soon as possible.
Thank you,

Hello, We already answered you by private message. Thank you

The above doesn't work its been 14 months NOS - I want a solution, an effective solutions, one that works etc - Cause if i don't im going to Social Media like others have done!

 If perhaps anyone can help me, id appreciate this a lot!


Hi, i have not lived in Portugal for than a year and have been trying to cancel my contract since and guess what still unsuccessful.

How can i go about doing this from aboard?

and NOS “Robots” please do not reply or comment with the following:

In order for us to be able to verify your situation, we ask that you send us your NOS customer number or the taxpayer number the holder by private message.”  

We regret any inconvenience caused. 😞 We have already requested an analysis as soon as possible.
Thank you,

Hello, We already answered you by private message. Thank you

The above doesn't work its been 14 months NOS - I want a solution, an effective solutions, one that works etc - Cause if i don't im going to Social Media like others have done!

 If perhaps anyone can help me, id appreciate this a lot!


O que é necessário para formalizar o pedido de cessação do contrato?

Para formalizar o pedido de cessação do contrato é necessário:


  • Pedido de cessação por escrito, assinado pela pessoa em nome de quem está o serviço (assinatura conforme o documento de identificação). Poderá ser utilizado o formulário de denúncia disponível aqui
  • Fotocópia de documento de identificação que contenha assinatura ou, em alternativa, o pedido de cessação com a assinatura reconhecida
  • Os documentos podem ser:
    • entregues numa loja NOS ou
    • enviados por correio para o Apartado 52111, EC Campo Grande, 1721-501 Lisboa


Em alternativa, pode solicitar o envio de um token para formalização do pedido na sua Área de Cliente , selecionando Dados de Conta e depois PedidosCriar pedido e Cessação Contratual.


What is needed to formalize the request for termination of the contract?To formalize the request for termination of the contract, it is necessary to:
Written cessation request, signed by the person on whose behalf the service is (signature according to the identification document). The complaint form available here can be usedPhotocopy of identification document containing signature or, alternatively, request for termination with recognized signatureDocuments can be:delivered to a NOS store orsent by mail to Apartado 52111, EC Campo Grande, 1721-501 LisbonAlternatively, you can request the sending of a token to formalize the order in your Customer Area by selecting Account Data and then Orders, Create order and Contract Termination.

Hi @IfonlyNOSwouldreply,

@Jose Rodrigues gave you a nice help.

In order to help you here, please send us a private message with your client number, through @Fórum profile.

Thank you

HI , this does not work your software doesn't allow typing and iv tried this for the past 14 months. 


I want this resolved and tied of the same intrustion. 


I live abroad 16 000 km away from portugal. 

Hello @IfonlyNOSwouldreply

We really want to help, but for that, we need you to share your data with us.

Thank you

i am trying to cycle my phone. I have called you and sent a message on the forum but it is still connected. How can I resolve this. How do I get into my private area to send another message

i am trying to cycle my phone. I have called you and sent a message on the forum but it is still connected. How can I resolve this. How do I get into my private area to send another message

Good afternoon, so that the moderation of the Forum can help you with the cancellation you want, you should send your NOS customer number to the @Fórum  profile by private message and wait to be contacted.

Hello @philm

@Jose Rodrigues made a good suggestion. 

We received your message, and will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Thank you for your understanding


this still is not resolved!!! I received a phone call three weeks ago.  The person said they would phone back they never did!
