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I am trying to cancel my contract with NOS due to moving away to a new country. I mentioned this in the shop and later that day i received a call. My portuguese is not great but i can follow a normal conversation. They told me that moving away is not a valid reason to cancell the contract and i should tell them who will move into the house so they can change the contract to their name. I have no idea who the next renter will be and when the landlord will find something, I just want to cancell the contract. How is moving away not a valid reason to cancell the contract???


In order to help you, please send us a private message to @Fórum profile with your client number.

Thank you

Why does NOS continue to ignore calls and even a visit to the store to cancel a contract. The only response I get is when I complain through book of complaints. 

Every time I call they have another excuse. I have documentation confirming cancellation from the store and they still charge for a service that has been cancelled. 

Hi @Oliver Stevens,

We’re sorry to hear that.

Please send us a message to @Fórum profile, with your client number and phone number.

Thank you

I need to cancel my contract as I am completing the sale of my house on 10 January and after that date I will not have access to the house or the equipment, so this is now urgent.  I am aware that I will have to pay to terminate the contract as I am still within the 24 months fidelity period.  I have tried sending a message from the client area but have received no response.  Should I remove the equipment myself from the house and take it to a NOS store if it is not possible to arrange collection in the time available?


Apologies for my poor Portuguese - I hope we can communicate in English.  


Many thanks for any help


Ross McBennett

True to form NOS still insist I do what I done over two months ago at their store. How hard is it for NOS to contact their own store where I already verified my ID and they filled in the paperwork to cancel a contract. I even provided the a copy if the queue number receipt. 

Hi @Oliver Stevens,

We’ll reply to your last message as soon as possible.

Thank you


We want to help you. Please send us a message to @Fórum profile with your client number and phone number.

Thank you

I had high hopes that you would come back with some new information, such as communicating with the store who has taken all of my hardware back - but yet again its about ID….which I already verified at the store.

I am assuming this will go to a claims court and my lawyer will verify my ID with you and NOS can pay me for the legal fees.

I forgot to mention. Close to 100 new foreign residents moved to the area that is covered by the support group that I am a part of. A newsletter will be released for the new year and based on the three months of contractual abuse by NOS I will be submitting my comments to advise any of the newcomers to sign any contract with NOS.

@Oliver Stevens,

We’re going to reply to your message as soon as possible.

Thank you

This issue appears to be resolved now. Thank you Inês B. for the attention to the issue.

Good Morning,


I’m not right now in Portugal. To reach you on the phone it’s not possible. 

I’ve a two contracts. My client no. is C********.

The tenants decided on another company and when they came to one of your offices to return the equipment, they were told that only me can do it.

I ask you please to cancel the the Ribamar contract from 1/1/22. I already stopped the payment of this address.

Thank you in advance. Please answer to my e-mail.

Best Regards 

Eliyahu Levi


Hello @Eliyahu Levi,

Thank you for your message. We’ll assist you.

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your costumer number.

Thank you 

Hello Joao,

Thank you for trying to assit me. 

I’ve two contrat with NOS. My client no. is- C*********.

The Ribamar contract should be cancelled from 1/1/22.

Thank in advance

Eli Levi

Hello @Eliyahu Levi,

Please send us your information through private message to the @Fórum profile.

To send a private message to the @Fórum profile, just click here.

Thank you

Good Morning Joao,

I sent you but no feedback/

Can we communictae on WhetsApp? My number is: +***************

Tanks a lot


Hello @Eliyahu Levi,

We replied to your private message. Please check your inbox. 

Private information has been removed from your comment for your protection.

Thank you 

Hi Joao,


I got a message from Ines 6 hours ago.

Still waiting to get assitance.

Why it’s so difficult to call me or write on WhatsApp

Best Regards


Oh boy.  they are really putting it to you.  A couple of points.  Do you have any documentation after handing over the cancellation at the shop?  A receipt?  If they have been at your place many times, have the appointments been in writing or SMS?  I say this, because probably you will need a lawyer.  You need to send a written registered (with proof of receipt signature) to the NOS main office, describing your points and your proof.  If your facts are correct and provable, then tell them in the letter that if they do not respond within 14 days in writing, you will contact a lawyer and that they will be responsible for the costs. I know of a very good lady lawyer in Vilamoura/Almancil who I have used for something like this and she really kicked some butt and got fast results!  I hope NOS reacts to your letter, but I figure they wont.  Another thing, in Portugal and Europe there are complaint books you can use, they are taken very seriously, I have also had success once with this.  Every portuguese company is required to link this on their website somewhere, it is called Livro de Reclamações. There are many english speaking websites that explain how this works, just google it.  Hope this helps, I would love to be kept in the loop on this, I am currently doing a recommendation website (and no recommendations also) for stuff like this and am always looking for new info.  Thanks, Steve


Hi Steve, please a can you send me the details of your lawyer in Vilamoura? Cheers 

Hi Joao,

Until now nobody solved my modest request to stop one of my 2 contracts with NOS.

I’m trying for almost one month. The fact that I’m right now outside Porugal is not an excuse!

Best Regards


Hello @Eliyahu Levi,

We deeply apologize about the delay on solving your request.

More information about this matter has been sent thought private message. 

Thank you for your understanding 

I am driven absolutely insane trying to cancel with this terrible company who are clearly being obstructive and abusing their customers by making it extremely difficult to cancel..I am at the point now where my only apparent solution is cancel my direct debit and file a court case against them for their low dishonest practices which will surely be seen as illegal in the European courts if that how far they want to carry on their nonsense


We apologize for the trouble. We’ll assist you.

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile, with your costumer number.

Thank you

Hi @Marina Ljubenovic, welcome to Fórum NOS.

We want to help you but, since it's a question regarding your service, we suggest that you call us. Check the available support lines here.

Disgraceful company....shame shame shame. I will go on every expat Facebook website etc to warn all never get involved with NOS.... dispicable.....stinks of corruption


We are sorry you feel that way.

If there is anything we can help with please let us know.

Thank you.
