Já sabe o que é o WiFi-Calling? Aproveite todas as mais-valias desta tecnologia!
Conheça ainda mais sobre as tecnologias VoLTE e WiFi-Calling:
Para quando SMS através do WiFi-calling? Está a fazer imensa falta.. Obrigado!
Boa tarde @TiagoC ,
Lamentamos o inconveniente e agradecemos a sua sugestão.
O Wi-Fi Calling (Voice over Wi-Fi) da NOS está disponível exclusivamente para fazer e receber chamadas, através de qualquer rede Wi-Fi.
Sugerimos que fique atento ao Fórum NOS, caso surjam novidades, iremos partilhar aqui.
Which tariffs has wifi calling on Nos?
Hello @André le Grange,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Most tariffs are compatible with the Wi-Fi Calling service. Please tell us what is the tariff you have active at the moment so we can confirm.
You can also see here what are the compatible equipment's with this service.
Thank you
I am currently on Livres Base. Not sure what that is.
Hello @André le Grange,
Thank you for your feedback.
The Livres Base tariff is compatible with the service.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Thank you
Does WiFi calling work with iPhone 12? I don’t see iPhone on the list unfortunately.
Hello @André le Grange,
Yes, Wi-Fi Calling is compatible with any iPhone with iOS 13.4 or above. :)
Thank you
I wonder why it doesn’t work. I live in South Africa and switched it on here. Could that be the issue?
Hello @André le Grange,
The only thing you need to do is activate the Wi-Fi Calling in your iPhone settings, and leave the Wi-Fi on when you have a weak LTE signal.
The connection via Wi-Fi is established after the cellphone identifies a poor LTE connection to the service provider.
Please check if at that given moment you have a good Wi-Fi signal.
Thank you.
It doesn't want to activate the WiFi Calling. I switched it on. What is it supposed to say on the carrier icon
The network name should say "NOS", @André le Grange.
Hi @Mário P.
It is switched on and I have wifi which is great. But it keeps connecting to the local service provider “MTN”. It does not switch to NOS.
@Mário P.
Is there a setting somewhere for NOS to activate wifi Calling?
Hi @Mário P.
It is switched on and I have wifi which is great. But it keeps connecting to the local service provider “MTN”. It does not switch to NOS.
Try making a call with the mobile network turned off, only wifi on. that should do!
Hi @Bruno Aleixo
I just tried this. It does not allow to make a call.
Before I left Portugal, should I have switched on the Wifi Calling on my phone. I did not do that. Only now in South Africa am I switching it on.
Is Wifi Calling automatically active on the tariff plans. I know that in South Africa, the telco’s dont have it activated and you have to activate it on their network for your number before you switch it on on your phone.
Hello @André le Grange,
Thank you for your feedback. We’ll help analyzing this situation.
Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your Cellphone Number.
Thank you
@João H.
I have messaged @Fórum so you will find it there.
@João H.
Could you find my post?
Hello @André le Grange,
Thank you for your feedback.
We’ve received your private message and we’re following up on this matter.
We’ll reply to your message as soon as possible.
Thank you for your understanding
Boa noite,
Preciso de 1 cartão com voice over WIFI.
Pelo que li acima, o serviço funciona quando o sinal de telefone é fraco.
3 perguntas
Também funciona quando não há nenhum sinal telefónico e só por wifi? Preciso para utilizar num barco em que há internet, mas está demasiado longe da costa para apanhar rede telefónica
Os SMS já funcionam? A principal razão que preciso de vowifi, é para receber os sms que os sites de pagamento agora obrigam a usar.
Que tarifarios pré pagos têm vowifi?
Boa tarde @Luciano Pedro,
O serviço Wi-Fi Calling visa apenas a utilização para comunicações de VOZ. O envio de comunicações para pagamento, em regra, são enviados por SMS e não por iMessage ou outros serviços de envio de comunicação desse género.
Os tarifários que permitem ter o VoLTE, por exemplo, são os tarifários Like ou À medida. Saiba tudo sobre os tarifários em: https://www.nos.pt/particulares/telemovel/Paginas/telemovel.aspx
Boas activando o servico wifi calling podemos receber sms.
Bom dia @EXPOENTE D AVENTURA UNIP LDA, seja bem-vindo ao Fórum NOS.
Movemos o seu comentário para o artigo:
Deste modo, garantimos a boa organização do Fórum NOS. O serviço Wi-Fi Calling visa apenas a utilização para comunicações de VOZ.