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Cancel contract

I am trying to cancel my contract with NOS due to moving away to a new country. I mentioned this in the shop and later that day i received a call. My portuguese is not great but i can follow a normal conversation. They told me that moving away is not a valid reason to cancell the contract and i should tell them who will move into the house so they can change the contract to their name. I have no idea who the next renter will be and when the landlord will find something, I just want to cancell the contract. How is moving away not a valid reason to cancell the contract???

301 Comentários

Reputação 7



Did you find any solution?


I am having a similar problem. Got trapped into a contract promising 100Mbps and only getting 2Mbps. Tried to cancel immediately the next day and they have been hanging up the phone for days now.


If there is a 15 day cancellation period (for which I wasn’t told of course), they are deliberately trying to avoid calls until it’s past this period.



@Alexandros Baramilis You dont need to call, you simply need to use complaint book and say you want to cancel in 14 days. If they didnt inform you can cancel for a full year.

My contract was quit in November 2022 and now you send me an email that I did not paid an invoice from March 2023 and you are threatening me to go to court!!?! I can’t believe this! What is this with your company?!!!

attached the email!

this is so so so so bad and so rude! Please send me a rectification immediately! 


Reputação 7

My contract was quit in November 2022 and now you send me an email that I did not paid an invoice from March 2023 and you are threatening me to go to court!!?! I can’t believe this! What is this with your company?!!!

attached the email!

this is so so so so bad and so rude! Please send me a rectification immediately! 


It really seems you still didn’t cancel your contract 🤣

Yes what the hell right?!!…. I mean 🤪 this company 

Reputação 7
Crachá +6

@rebekka oomens

We apologize for the situation

The value is due to breach of contract, so to check this situation it is necessary to contact the litigation team and verify the situation.
Since this situation is in litigation, only this team can help.
Please contact the number 800 932 900 on weekdays. If you are abroad, alternatively call +351220736587.

Best Regards, 

Reputação 7

@rebekka oomens

We apologize for the situation

The value is due to breach of contract, so to check this situation it is necessary to contact the litigation team and verify the situation.
Since this situation is in litigation, only this team can help.
Please contact the number 800 932 900 on weekdays. If you are abroad, alternatively call +351220736587.

Best Regards, 

@rebekka oomens When was your contract finnished? It was a home service? (Internet/TV/Landline)?

I tried to finish since August last year, but because of the communication and understanding problems from your side it only finished in November 2022

Yes it was a home service, internet

Reputação 7

I tried to finish since August last year, but because of the communication and understanding problems from your side it only finished in November 2022

Yes it was a home service, internet

You have a documento from November when you give them the equipments back?

my friend gave back the equipment as I do not live in Portugal anymore since august. they did not gave her a document the guy from the store said it was all in the system and all ok

Reputação 7

my friend gave back the equipment as I do not live in Portugal anymore since august. they did not gave her a document the guy from the store said it was all in the system and all ok

Ok, that seems to be a problem. But yet, if you don’t live in Portugal why you still care?
You paid bills until November?

I care because you are sending me an email that you will go to court?!

> it is not my fault your colleague did not give me documents! not mine, so now I have a problem?!

Reputação 7

my friend gave back the equipment as I do not live in Portugal anymore since august. they did not gave her a document the guy from the store said it was all in the system and all ok

Ok, that seems to be a problem. But yet, if you don’t live in Portugal why you still care?
You paid bills until November?

By the way, you should ask for the copy of the calls since you have no written proof you contract was ended in November.
Send and email to and ask for the copy of all the calls associated with your client account.

Reputação 7

I care because you are sending me an email that you will go to court?!

> it is not my fault your colleague did not give me documents! not mine, so now I have a problem?!

Its not my colleague since i’m not a NOS worker ( Thank God for that ), but yes, you have a problem since you have no proof you returned the equipments and ended the contract.
You have some answer where they say the equipments where returned, since you said before:
“You have called and told me everything was I arranged, my contract was stopped and I would received credit notes + my money back for all invoices send from November onwards. But now you send me NEW INVOICES AGAIN in February!!!! what is this! you are really unbelievable and feels like a scheme!”

You have some written answer?

What is in that in the details of 17/03/2023, is still service?

sorry I thought you were from NOS but you are just someone on the forum here right?

Reputação 7

sorry I thought you were from NOS but you are just someone on the forum here right?

Yes, just trying to understand. Im really no fan of NOS and really know what you suffer since I also had returned an equipment without the proof from the employee.
Its something @Fórum should find, since the store that received the equipments as to register that info, so there is easy to find when your equipments where returned.
@rebekka oomens  NOS in any instance tried to argue that you didnt return the equipments?
Because there is no reason they try to make you pay the fidelization since going to live outside Portugal is a valid reason to cancel the contract.

Can you @Fórum explain why are you still send invoices when clearly, unless you say that @rebekka oomens is lying, you clearly are abusing her.

yeah i tried to argue this as well, but they are impossible to talk to. And moving out of the country is not a reason to cancel a contract they say and I have to pay this ‘fine’ or my option was to keep the contract continue on.. its unbelievable



I am now talking on facebook with your company and just asked 2 simple questions:

1. a copy in written of our phone calls

2. a confirmation in written by email that my contract has been cancelled in november


but the only reply i get is to that I have to call you! 


this are normal ways of working for a company, especially from your size, that things are written and confirmed by post or email not just by phone!

Reputação 7

I am now talking on facebook with your company and just asked 2 simple questions:

1. a copy in written of our phone calls

2. a confirmation in written by email that my contract has been cancelled in november


but the only reply i get is to that I have to call you! 


this are normal ways of working for a company, especially from your size, that things are written and confirmed by post or email not just by phone!

For a copy of the phone calls you need to send an email to:

Thank you I also did that this morning already 

Reputação 7
Crachá +1

yeah i tried to argue this as well, but they are impossible to talk to. And moving out of the country is not a reason to cancel a contract they say and I have to pay this ‘fine’ or my option was to keep the contract continue on.. its unbelievable



yes moving out is a legal enough reason to cancel the contract. 

Since its easy to see that u dont rly understand how portugal works, were we go: 

All the isp’s in portugal do that scare tactic of sending threats to follow to court if you dont pay. Its just a shakedown, dont mind it, just block the sender, no one is going after you xD 

There would be no point for them to go to court nowing they’re asking fore money that they’re not going to get cus the law is in your side. Even if u just moved houses would be reason  enough to cancel the contract without any penalty.

Um bem haja 

Reputação 7
Crachá +5

Hello @rebekka oomens,

We’re sorry to hear about this situation. We’ll help you on solving this matter.

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with you NOS Costumer Number.

Thank you 

Bom dia,

Gostaria de cancelar meu serviço WTF.
A forma de pagamento é pré pago.

Naiara Rigamont

Reputação 7

Boa tarde @Naiara Rigamont,

Para esse efeito, por favor, envie uma mensagem privada para o perfil @Fórum com o número de telemóvel em causa e número de cartão de cidadão associado.


Reputação 7
Crachá +5

Boa tarde @Naiara Rigamont,

Agradecemos a sua mensagem.

O @Jorge C partilhou uma boa ajuda. Aguardamos o seu testemunho.


I want to cancel the contract / transfer to another person, and would appreciate some assistance with this. Please call me or email me. Client Number C*******
