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NOS, the worse Internet provider I never seen.

My connexion was not working as expected 20 days after my order
and two weeks of daily fights and dozen of deseperate phone calls with your technical services.
No connexion, or less than 2Mb of speed while it was a 200Mb FFTH contract.
Your technicians are incompetent because they were unable to fix my internet connexion
and not professional because they don't respect their appointments,
don't honor their own commitments. do not care of the result of their actions.
Each of their technical interventions has made things unchanged or even worse after than before.
And I never succeded to have a level2 technician at home or even on the phone, able to fix my issue..
It is a lack of the most elementary respect of the customer,
I had lost my time and worn out my nerves with NOS, waiting for phone calls from NOS that never happened.
I'm sorry to tell you, but you're the worst internet provider I've seen in several countries
and my long life as a network administrator. And my short relationship with NOS was just a nightmare.
I was obliged to cancel my commitment and I encourage everybody to stay far away of their false promisses.

28 Comentários

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 5 de outubro de 2017
I hope they will not try to charge-me even one cent for a service I never had.

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 6 de outubro de 2017
Here the curve of my short story with this ISP. Of course, you don't see all the time my connection was lost, so I was unable to record any speed test. And note that all the time I recovered a normal speed, it is after rebooting the modem. It stay ok for few hours, then breaks again.

But the problem is not so the technical issue, it is the awful hot line that don't care of your problem. And if it is like this during the period i could break the contract, I can imagine my loneliness after !!!!

  • Megabyte
  • 7 comentários
  • 6 de outubro de 2017
They are not the worst. Trust me.

Have you tried the speed test in different devices?

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 6 de outubro de 2017
I had a bad experience with an other one, a cable operator, but at least, they tried to fix the problem and accepted to break the commitment after the delay, because they were unable to provide what was in the contract.
Nothing to say about my other actual one: my ADSL is very slow, *but stable*. I had one problem during two years, fixed with a technician in my home the day after my call.
NOS ? two weeks, dozen of phone calls and they did nothing. They never call back when they promised, refused to send a tech in my home or to send-me an other modem They let-us alone with a broken connection and a wall in front of us.. (If you read the forum, you will see we are numerous with the same problem). They have my registered letter, and I'm happy to be finished with them.

For your second question, I am a network administrator, and, of course, the first thing i did before to call was to verify nothing wrong in my 1GB network.
Anyway, each time I reboot the modem, Speed tests are OK for few hours until it breaks again then it stay broken or erratic until the next re-boot.
So it is for granted the problem comes from the NOS network and if they don't even try to solve-it while I'm in the period I can break my commitment with no penalties, I can imagine my future life with them ;-)
They had spend big money in bringing fiber to my home and do not spend half an hour to fix an issue
to keep-me as a customer ? Can-you imagine something more stupid ?

  • Megabyte
  • 2065 comentários
  • 6 de outubro de 2017
@Esperado did you ever ask for them to exchange the router?

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 6 de outubro de 2017
Yes. Their answer was 'There is no problem with your router, so, we don't have to.".
I said: "How can-you be sure if you don't even try ?".
The answer was "your line is under analisys, please wait for the results."

I am still waiting ;-)

In fact, I believe now they were right about the modem, because i can see, in this forum, so many people with exactly the same symptoms. And I believe they are perfectly aware of the problem ... that they are unable to fix.

  • Kilobyte
  • 17 comentários
  • 6 de outubro de 2017
I agree, that company is a huge mess, never again will I become a customer of theirs.
Dealing with them via telephone is a waste of time.
I recommend the online livro de reclamações, because that way Anacom will also be informed of your problems and there is pressure for Nós to do something.
I went that way and within days they finally canceled my contract (after I had tried in vain for over a month) and they even returned a month's fee as the delay was obviously their fault.

All disappointed customers should flood Nós with official complaints filed via the livro de reclamações.

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 6 de outubro de 2017
"Dealing with them via telephone is a waste of time."
Can-you imagine for a burro velho like me, "Eu não falo português" 😉
But they are not aware that emails has been invented. Afraid of traces ?

"I recommend the online livro de reclamações,
Oh thank-you so much. for this help. Can-you give me the adress ? there ?

  • Kilobyte
  • 17 comentários
  • 6 de outubro de 2017
No, the livro de reclamações is independent of Nós, you can complain about most anything there:

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 6 de outubro de 2017
Muito obrigado, Nico

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 9 de outubro de 2017
They are totally crazy. The 14 eme day after my order, and because Internet was not working as expected, I had send them a registered letter to cancel my commitment. They had called-me to ask me, in case my connection will be fixed, if i would reconsider my position. I answered OK, let-us try..
Yesterday, (18 days with poor or no Internet) they had called-me and send SMS to advertise a tech will be in my home today.
And, during the time he was exchanging the Modem, they had cut the connection, according to my registered letter , he was surprised, but he said he cannot do nothing to recover-it near their administration, even for testing.
They are totally disorganized and insane.
I'm happy to be finished with this nightmare.

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 10 de outubro de 2017
And, this morning, the tech was back again to finish the job he was not able to do the day before.
Who want to call the 16990 ?

  • Megabyte
  • 11 comentários
  • 10 de outubro de 2017
Actually the "Provedor NOS" is pretty much as useless as the "Complaints Book". With these they won't even bother replying - ever. And I speak from experience. After half a year complaining on these books every single month, I am yet to receive a reply. That was years ago...
As for being the worst internet provider, well in Portugal they certainly are but believe me there is a lot worse "out there".
Complain to the "Provedor de Justiça". If you're right to complain, they'll do all the leg work and someone from NOS will call you with their tail between their legs: to fix the problem and offer something in return for all your trouble (like a discount) or to let you get off the contract, if need be.
The "Provedor de Justiça" is above the Provedor NOS. He is not paid by NOS but by the state (i.e. our money) and he has the authority to act when you're being duped. Whatever he decides, NOS is legally forced to act upon it. NOS has no respect for clients, but the "Provedor de Justiça" is not someone they can ignore- ever.
There's a phone line, but I assume you don't speak Portuguese, so you're better off writing them an email to "". Make sure you attach any documents you have and give them the details of the phone calls, specifically when they were made. They might be able to access those calls too.
I would say good luck, but in Portugal what you need is Patience- lots and lots of it. And the ability to keep a straight face on when you hear something utterly ridiculous.
DO NOT FORGET: make sure you get a piece of paper from them saying the contract is cancelled if that is what you want. Do not do this over the phone. Get the paper and keep it in a safe place - you might need it (they are famous for sending invoices after the contract is over).

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 10 de outubro de 2017
Thanks a lot, Lopes.for your precious advices.that I will follow point by point.This model of business is stupid and have no future. It was quite like this in France, few years ago, but they fought so much, the ones on the prices and the performance and the others on the quality of service, that, now we have both,
For a price that would make you cry, 16€ for mobiles with no commitment, illimited phone calls to 150 countries and mobiles, illimited datas in 4G, free roaming, and, for Internet fiber, 1Gb down, 200Mb up, illimited phone cals to 150 countries + mobiles + TV. And now, with a good service.

  • Megabyte
  • 11 comentários
  • 11 de outubro de 2017
You're welcome Esperado. I hope it works out for you. Unlike France, things are not likely to get any better soon. There's a monopoly in place and the Establishment are here to stay. There is no real competition, they have their "little meetings" every now and then and set the prices together; it's the same with fuel. You're likely to have noticed the price is the same pretty much everywhere. No, it's not a coincidence...
Also, in Portugal there is no point in complaining, they'll just treat you worse next time and that goes for everything. When you complain you are left with nothing but frustration because you are right, but still you can't change things.
The "ANACOM", that was mentioned before, is meant to be the Authority in charge of all Communications related things, but the thing is they don't have any real authority...
Welcome to the not so great part of Portugal!

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 24 de outubro de 2017
One month after the installation of the fiber equipment, my problem of connection breaks is not solved. Despite 4 uploads of so-calling "firmware", i modem exchange (for the same model) 3 visits of so calling "technicians" in my home, dozen of phone calls and hours waiting with this boring music at phone.

No progress at all. That is what I call "Competancy".
If I was the technical manager of this company, all technicians would be fired. And after them, myself ;-)

ps: Don't even try the "8" for having them calling back: rhey never do. Never.
This company is a real shame..

  • Byte
  • 1 comentário
  • 25 de outubro de 2017
I'm having a similar issue since the 9th of this month. I have contracted 200mb and for the past 15 days I have never achieved more than 50mb, it's mostly around 10-20mb. I've called them countless times. Technical team says the cell that provides internet to my residence area is overloaded, they have to expand, but have no deadline for it. I just received my bill, no credits given, called them again, they say I have no right for credit, and I can't disconnect the service without paying the breach of contract. But somehow it's not a breach of contract for them to consistently provide a terrible service nowhere near what I've contracted.

Anyway, I just filled a complaint with ANACOM online. Don't know if you guys know this magical thing I found out today WHILE ON CALL with NOS.

Don't know if and when they're gonna reply, but I'm gonna keep calling NOS everyday and keep filling complaints with ANACOM until it's solved.

BTW, I live near downtown Porto, anyone suffering from this around me? Let's talk, maybe a class action suit is in our future if they don't get their sh*t together.

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 25 de outubro de 2017
If you can prove you don't have the expected service you pay for, of course, you can break the contract with no penalty. Send them a registered letter in witch you give them, for example, one more week to fix your connexion and if not, you will stop the contract with them, because they dont provide their part of the contract. Of course, keep screen copies of all the download tests you had done to proove your situation, and record the phone calls (as they do).

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 13 comentários
  • 25 de outubro de 2017
Just one thing to add:
"Technical team says the cell that provides internet to my residence area is overloaded, they have to expand, but have no deadline for it".
Have a record of such an answer. that prove they are dishonest: Selling a connexion while they are knowing they cannot fulfill the promised service.

Super User
  • Super User
  • 2525 comentários
  • 27 de outubro de 2017
Esperado escreveu:
Just one thing to add:
"Technical team says the cell that provides internet to my residence area is overloaded, they have to expand, but have no deadline for it".
Have a record of such an answer. that prove they are dishonest: Selling a connexion while they are knowing they cannot fulfill the promised service.

At least you have an explanation!! Best advice? Move on to another provider if you can. You will never get your problem solved otherwise...

Unfortunately I have no other choice when it comes to Internet since there's no Vodafone or Meo where I live (Porto/Vila Nova de Gaia).

Past 2 months, it's been a living hell dealing with NOS and their absolutely horrible Internet during prime hours. Weekends are a complete joke with constant service outage and very low internet speeds.

I'm outside the contract period so I can leave if I want however as I've said, there's no alternative and I'm already paying a relatively low price for the 3P service (28€).

The worse internet provider ever. They rob you easily. Do not believe a single word about how good is the services. Even if they tell you they are going to pay you if you use their service do not accept that and go for other companies. I am a fan of cinema movies and since traveling a lot a free wifi, they trick me by cinema card and free wifi nos. After signing the contract which was for two years (the worse thing that I ever done in my entire life), the card only works in some terrible movies that nobody will watch and for free wifi I just called them for six months and sometimes they answer the phone and tell me I am OK and can use it after 24 hours but nothing happen, so I just give up and counting down to the deadline of my contract. If I want to use the internet in my apartment I should sit next to the router it covers only 5 meter.

The worse internet provider on earth. Worse customer service, worse service. Just counting down till my contract finish. Meanwhile if someone wants to make a contract with nos please rethink and do not believe anything they offer you will end up calling their customer service for a very long time (I gave up after one year) and waste your time an money.

  • Byte
  • 1 comentário
  • 17 de junho de 2020

I am Bishnu BC from Evora. My NIF no is 2xxxxxxxx. My client no is Cxxxxxx. I have problem in my net system. I complaint all my net problem to your office but I could not get any progress. When I connect this net you have said that only for one month we use satellite system then after  you will join fiber system. But till now you haven’t join fiber system.  There is no proper function even only three mobile we have but no proper net speed. If there is no improvement in net there is no value for this net system . We have to pay 34.32 for this net. We can use telephone and televisão in this system but no function . It is useless for us . So I request to you to change my net into fiber system or can cancel this contract so we can join new more proper net system.

Ana P.
  • Moderador
  • 12822 comentários
  • 19 de junho de 2020

Hello  @Bishnu BC ​​​​,

We apologize for the delay in our response. :sweat:
In order to help you, we ask that you send us your NOS customer number or the holder's taxpayer by private message, please.​​​

Thank you 
