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NOS, the worse Internet provider I never seen.

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28 Comentários

  • Kilobyte
  • 2 comentários
  • 19 de fevereiro de 2023

as my 2 years has been completed i went to torres vedras  nos store to close my service, now they say i have used tv box and have to return that, which they didn’t gave me, they only gave me wifi router while signing contract, and don’t know why they are lying, and i already gave them back the router, but how to give the tv box which i don’t have, 

Jose Rodrigues
Super User
  • Super User
  • 21892 comentários
  • 19 de fevereiro de 2023
amrit gurung escreveu:

as my 2 years has been completed i went to torres vedras  nos store to close my service, now they say i have used tv box and have to return that, which they didn’t gave me, they only gave me wifi router while signing contract, and don’t know why they are lying, and i already gave them back the router, but how to give the tv box which i don’t have, 

Good morning, so that moderation can help send your customer number by private message to the @forum profile and wait for the moderators to respond

João H.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29286 comentários
  • 20 de fevereiro de 2023

Hello @amrit gurung,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We’ll assist you in this matter.

As suggested by @Jose Rodrigues, please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer Number.

Thank you
