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I am having a terrible experience with NOS customer support. It’s been 4 months I am trying to cancel a contracT. I had endless calls since March, and yesterday they tell me that in one of the calls I renewed the contract! How ?!! Why would I renew a contract when I returned the router and all the items related to NOS?? They keep charging us invoices for a service we don’t get. This is really very annoying, I have made complaints and asked for help many times and NOBODY is being helpful on this matter! Every single time I talked to customer support I get transferred from one person to another, at the end I talk to one person and I explain the situation, and the answer is we call you back. 

We have signed all the documents that we want to cancel the service, we returned all the items. Just simply cancel the contract!! what is your problem!!

Same problem, month 4, tried online, spoke with many agents, even posted documents but still getting invoice every month. I blocked direct debit to bank. 

There is clearly an effort to scam foreign people , which is in my opinion a racist policy ! 

I request the email address for CEO and also regulator to terminate the contract.   Then I request somewhere to complain about policy designed to scam people who do not speak the language.  


Hello @Mark Keane,

Probably you are facing this problem because you didn’t follow the procedure to cancel.

Just let me know if that’s the case.

Thank you

Of course procedure followed- as best as possible given nobody is able to clearly action items quickly.


equipment returned to shop.


many many forum messages and phone calls and everyone passing the issue around


asking for document upload and giving no way to upload it without PT phone number: 


posted documents to NOS, still the invoices come. 

20 calls- not one person able to use leadership and just shut down contract! Really a waste of everyone's time and money

Of course procedure followed- as best as possible given nobody is able to clearly action items quickly.


equipment returned to shop.


many many forum messages and phone calls and everyone passing the issue around


asking for document upload and giving no way to upload it without PT phone number: 


posted documents to NOS, still the invoices come. 

20 calls- not one person able to use leadership and just shut down contract! Really a waste of everyone's time and money


I will clarify it for you.


Gather the following documents:

  • Contract termination request form. This form must be signed by the person in whose name the contract is signed, and the signature must be the same as that on your identification document.
  • Photocopy of an identification document with signature. If you do not want to send a photocopy of the document, you can just send the termination form. In this case, your signature must be certified by a notary or a lawyer. Or, alternatively, you can go to a store and fill out the personal data confirmation form and present your identification document.

Documents can be:

  • Sent via the email form selected the option send documents for contractual termination
  • Delivered to a NOS Store
  • Sent by post to Apartado 52111, EC Campo Grande, 1721-501 Lisbon


Thank you

You are crazy if you ask for signature certified by lawyer. Completely unacceptable game. Documents were sent to lisbon. Best efforts have been done by so many customers and Nos process is discrimination in my opinion

Hello, @Mark Keane 

Tell us to which address have you sent the documents. 

Kind regards

  • sent by post mail to Apartado 52111, EC Campo Grande, 1721-501 Lisboa.

Hello, @Mark Keane.

Thank you for the information. We are following up this situation by private message and will reply as soon as possible.

Kind regards
