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customer support is the worst ever

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Bruno Aleixo
Super User
  • Super User
  • 2226 comentários
  • 9 de outubro de 2024
Susan Hillard escreveu:

Vivo em Portugal numa zona morta, se viajasse para o estrangeiro (o que não fiz) não usaria o meu IP português nem levaria o meu prato starlink comigo. eu usaria wifi local. eu não usaria a minha conta móvel nos, compraria um cartão SIM local se precisasse. qual o sentido de um mercado comercial europeu. ainda estou à espera de saber se a starlink é uma empresa registada em Portugal

I live in Portugal in a dead zone, if I traveled abroad (which I didn't) I wouldn't use my Portuguese IP nor take my starlink dish with me. I would use local wifi. I wouldn't use my US cell phone bill, I would buy a local SIM card if I needed to. what is the point of a European commercial market. I'm still waiting to find out if starlink is a company registered in Portugal

what i was discussing with @CP001 is that from what i undertand it can be the case that starlink started rotating IP adresses to they users which are not portuguese. and if that happened, thats why wi-fi calling is not working, taking in account what the mods said. 

you can check if your public ip adress through a pc in the CMD. If the IP adress is portugueses, than something is wrong. 

um bem haja (if you live inland in portugal you need to learn that greeting, is the most polite and distintive greeting ever :D )

  • 1508 comentários
  • 9 de outubro de 2024
Bruno Aleixo escreveu:
CP001 escreveu:
Bruno Aleixo escreveu:
CP001 escreveu:




Onde? acho que nunca li sobre isso… estava só a basear-me neste thread. Como disseram que dava até setembro e deixou de dar e tendo em conta que:

  1. funciona noutras redes wi-fi nacionais independentemente do operador. 
  2. só não funciona na starlink que nao é nacional, apesar de atuar em portugal 
  3. o que os moderadores disseram sobre não funionar com ips não pt

dá para concluir que a starlink deve ter começado a usar ip’s não portugueses. acho que isso os users podem confirmar, é só verem qual o ip externo que o router deles está a usar:,next%20to%20%E2%80%9CDefault%20Gateway.%E2%80%9D

Se de facto é um ip portugues e não funciona, então ai algo se passa porque não bate a bota com a perdigota, mas até lá parece-me tudo ok. 

Um bem haja 

O Wi-Fi calling na NOS funcionava em modo de avião, independentemente do IP da rede Wi-Fi. Foi assim que funcionou desde que a NOS lançou o Wi-Fi Calling. O tópico é o de julho que já postei atrás e há relatos desses por toda a internet. Há um antes e um depois do mês de setembro.


Logo, não foi propriamente uma alteração na política do Starlink. Foi uma alteração na política da NOS que passou a bloquear alguns IPs quando antes não bloqueava. O objetivo da NOS era visar IPs estrangeiros, mas acabou por prejudicar a vida aos clientes Starlink em Portugal.

O Starlink é um operador registado em Portugal na ANACOM, que funciona por satélite. Foi por isso que perguntei à ANACOM se é legítimo a NOS fazer este tipo de bloqueio sem querer garantir que o Wi-Fi Calling neste operador funciona. O IP é titulado por prestador registado em Portugal. 

  • Autor
  • Megabyte
  • 65 comentários
  • 9 de outubro de 2024

um bem haja (if you live inland in portugal you need to learn that greeting, is the most polite and distintive greeting ever :D )

thank you for this information,  so far I have only used ‘bem estar’  I like to learn obrigada 🙏🌈

  • Autor
  • Megabyte
  • 65 comentários
  • 10 de outubro de 2024


MESSAGE FROM STARLINK TODAY TO CONFIRM ITS LOCATUONI WILL NOW OROCEED WITH A  FORMAL COMPLAINTYes, the current IP received is a Portuguese IP address: this is within our,PT,PT-11,Lisbon, prefix so it is correctly geolocated on our side to Portugal. This prefix(169.155.236.x) can be found within our geofeed here: truly hope this information helps. If you should have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach back out. Thank you.

  • Autor
  • Megabyte
  • 65 comentários
  • 10 de outubro de 2024

Yes, the current IP received is a Portuguese IP address: this is within our,PT,PT-11,Lisbon, prefix so it is correctly geolocated on our side to Portugal. This prefix(169.155.236.x) can be found within our geofeed here:

I truly hope this information helps. If you should have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach back out. Thank you. 

  • Kilobyte
  • 31 comentários
  • 11 de outubro de 2024
Susan Hillard escreveu:

Yes, the current IP received is a Portuguese IP address: this is within our,PT,PT-11,Lisbon, prefix so it is correctly geolocated on our side to Portugal. This prefix(169.155.236.x) can be found within our geofeed here:

I truly hope this information helps. If you should have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach back out. Thank you.

Hi Susan,

This is great.
This is the list of their OUTGOING IP addresses.
Bruno's previous link does not help. These are only public INCOMING IP addresses, i.e. how to reach your router.
We needed the OUTGOING IP addresses that Starlink uses, in our case, when talking to NOS.
The CSV is providing exactly this.
These are the addresses that NOS might be blocking in their firewall.
Plesase note that there are multiple ranges for Portugal/Lisbon, both IPv4 and IPv6.
To be on the safe side, none of these should be blocked by NOS.,PT,PT-11,Lisbon,PT,PT-11,Lisbon,PT,PT-11,Lisbon,PT,PT-11,Lisbon

All the above addresses report as located in Portugal, by all major databases.



  • Autor
  • Megabyte
  • 65 comentários
  • 11 de outubro de 2024

So Michel  should I go ahead and make a formal complaint to Nos or to Anacom?


  • Kilobyte
  • 31 comentários
  • 11 de outubro de 2024
Susan Hillard escreveu:

So Michel  should I go ahead and make a formal complaint to Nos or to Anacom?


Both I would say.

  • Autor
  • Megabyte
  • 65 comentários
  • 11 de outubro de 2024

Thank you

  • 1508 comentários
  • 23 de outubro de 2024


The regulator (ANACOM) failed to answer my question.


@João H. @Mário P. are there any updates regarding this subject (NOS Wi-fi Calling with a Starlink IP)? 

  • Kilobyte
  • 31 comentários
  • 23 de outubro de 2024

I would not put my hopes up.

I switched to MEO, no issues so far.

  • Autor
  • Megabyte
  • 65 comentários
  • 23 de outubro de 2024

I submitted a formal complaint on line via livre de reclamation about 9 days ago  to NOS With evidence from starlink that NOS is blocking illegally their satellite signals which are with portugal Isp and has a registered address in Portugal. I have kept one of my Nos numbers to monitor whether they are acknowledging this but so far no WIfi calling resumed . My main number I have transferred to Meo and Wi-Fi calling is on and I am no longer in danger of missing a life or death call from the hospital in Lisbon. Nos tried to blame everyone and everything before they even admitted to blocking Starlink. It’s shameful . I hope that NOS  lose all starlink users. I will let this forum know once NOS or Anacom  respond to me . 

João H.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29142 comentários
  • 23 de outubro de 2024

Hello @Susan Hillard, @Michel Liesmons and @CP001.

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. This was forwarded to the appropriated NOS teams.

Unfortunately we don't have any updates on this. As soon as we have more information we’ll share it here with you.

Thank you


  • Kilobyte
  • 31 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024


The connection from Starlink to NOS, and thus WiFi Calling, seems to work again.
Was there any communication about this, or will there be?


  • Autor
  • Megabyte
  • 65 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024

It just came on around 28th October . I said nothing because I was waiting for a response from nos regarding my official complaint . Yesterday (2 days later than their deadline I believe) I got a reply last night. It was unbelievable. I will copy below but basically, (and I really would like your urgent comments as I wish to email Anacom now and take this further), that the response is an insult and that the person hadn’t got a clue , and fundamentally thinks I must have made it up. I am fuming



Notificacao LRO

To: ****** ›



This address is not programmed to receive e-mails.

You can contact us through alternative means here]

Dear Customer

We analyzed the complaint you presented in the book and we provided you with the necessary clarifications.

We inform you that you must forward your request to Starlink

Unfortunately, we were unable to fulfill your request.

Since Starlink it is a satellite service but from the manufacturer SpaceX, You should forward your problem to the respective service provider.

Thank you for helping us improve

We regret the situation you communicated to us and are grateful for having provided us with this information so that we can act and continually improve the quality of our service.

If you have any questions, talk to us, we are always available for you

  • on the NOS Ajuda website
  • by telephone 931 699 000 or 16990, on weekdays from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm
  • in a loja NOS

Please do not reply to this email, this mailbox is only for sending messages.


Customer service

Thic and anv nther attached nanac contain


  • Kilobyte
  • 31 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024

Hi Susan,

They still seem to blame Starlink.
Also, it seems they will never admit they changed something to make it work again.
This way they can say Starlink probably changed something.

Can you confirm it works for you too now?

Without any official statement from NOS, I would not feel at ease on the future stability of this Starlink/NOS WiFi Calling feature.
Until then I stick with MEO.


João H.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29142 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024

Hello @Michel Liesmons and @Susan Hillard,

Thank you for your messages.

After contact with Starlink’s  technical team it was concluded that only one of the IPV4 range used by Starlink was designated for Portugal, thus the issue here reported. 
Starlink confirmed that the range of IP’s were already corrected in the database that NOS uses for the location of services. 
The NOS systems were updated during the last week with the new information provided, and tests are still being conducted to guarantee the resolution. 

We thank you once again for sharing this issue with us and helping us correct this for all users. 

Please let us know if you have any other questions or difficulties. We’re always available to assist here at Fórum NOS.

Thank you 

  • Autor
  • Megabyte
  • 65 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024

Yes 🙌 changed my main number to meo because like you , I need to keep open contact for the hospital to call, I kept a PAYG nos sim in my husbands phone as I wanted to see if anything happened and checked it every couple of days , on the 28th October I checked and Nos Wi-Fi calling was available. For 50 days they had my life in their hands . They admitted responsibility on the other Fórum . But they are too cowardly to make an announcement that they were wrong. I am determined to keep going and bring them to task , once I work out the next stage of complaint to Anacom and I have lots of proof to give them. 

  • Kilobyte
  • 31 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024
João H. escreveu:

Hello @Michel Liesmons and @Susan Hillard,

Thank you for your messages.

After contact with Starlink’s  technical team it was concluded that only one of the IPV4 range used by Starlink was designated for Portugal, thus the issue here reported. 
We’ve confirmed that Starlink already corrected the range of IP’s they’re using in the database that NOS uses for the location of services. 
The NOS systems were updated during the last week with the new information provided, and tests are still being conducted to guarantee the resolution. 

We thank you once again for sharing this issue with us and helping us correct this for all users. 

Please let us know if you have any other questions or difficulties. We’re always available to assist here at Fórum NOS.

Thank you 

Great to hear that something was done to fix it, and that it was not some magic.

NOS could have consulted one of the public sites/API’s to determine the location of an IP.
Honestly, I doubt Starlink has a database with this info as it can be deduced from the format of the number, as these sites/APIs do.


João H.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29142 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024

Hello @Michel Liesmons,

Thank you for your message. 

Even thought you can geolocate an IP address to Portugal, is the responsibility of the service provider that uses that IP rage to update it in the comon databases used by ISP’s, which was not happening. 
For exemple the IP address shared previously in this topic, showed a Portuguese location even though it was still being read as part os a Spanish IP range.

After communication with Starlink’s IT team, they were able to update all the IP ranges they’re using for Portuguese costumers in the common databases, and NOS has updated it’s systems on the 24th. 

If you notice any issues, please let us know. 

Thank you 


  • Autor
  • Megabyte
  • 65 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024

Thank you for the information , I shall copy the same to Starlink as I would like confirmation from both parties

  • Autor
  • Megabyte
  • 65 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024

Whilst I have the attention of NOS, I’d like to know why there is no customer support email , and to speak to anyone with the knowledge that is finally being provided is not available on the nos help numbers , back to the original title of this conversation ‘NOS customer service is the worst in the world 

  • Kilobyte
  • 31 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024

OK, thanks for the info.
I would still prefer to use the dynamic method, or update my own database, based on this dynamic input.

Good to know I cannot receive calls when on a WiFi-only connection in Spain.
So, probably no WiFi Calling roaming at all, but although a bit sad, that is not uncommon.

Hope this issue, with a reason already stated early by your own customers, will get solved a lot quicker in the future.

Kind regards,

Bruno Aleixo
Super User
  • Super User
  • 2226 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024
Susan Hillard escreveu:

Whilst I have the attention of NOS, I’d like to know why there is no customer support email , and to speak to anyone with the knowledge that is finally being provided is not available on the nos help numbers , back to the original title of this conversation ‘NOS customer service is the worst in the world 

Email costumer support makes no sense, i think no portugueses provider has one… if there’s issues the fastest way is to call and solve it in the moment. If you want written replies you have facebook and the forum. 

um bem haja 


João H.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29142 comentários
  • 6 de novembro de 2024

Hello @Susan Hillard and @Michel Liesmons.

Thank you for your feedback. Inputs from the community are very important to us to help us improve. 

@Bruno Aleixo shared a good help sharing alternatives for costumers support and help in written channels.

Please share with the community any questions you might have. We’re always available to help.

Thank you  
