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i reported a problem with my upgrade and decided to saty with my old deal. its been a month i have been calling them to ask to resolve the problem. every time i call they say someone will call me back in few hours but no one does. i cant believe huge company like NOS does this to its customers. now i think its time to change the service (heard MEO is far better then NOS) most importanly their customer service is atleat satisfactory. i also asked the person on the phone what is happing with me and requested to transfer the call to the manager. they never seem to help me.

Eu relatei um problema com o meu upgrade e decidi saty com o meu antigo negócio. tem sido um mês eu tenho chamado eles para pedir para resolver o problema. toda vez que eu ligo eles dizem que alguém vai me ligar de volta em poucas horas, mas ninguém liga. Eu não posso acreditar que uma grande empresa como a NOS faz isso para seus clientes. agora eu acho que é hora de mudar o serviço (ouvi MEO é muito melhor, em seguida, NOS) mais importanly seu serviço ao cliente é atleat satisfatório. Eu também perguntei à pessoa pelo telefone o que estava acontecendo comigo e pedi para transferir a ligação para o gerente. eles nunca parecem me ajudar.
i reported a problem with my upgrade and decided to saty with my old deal. its been a month i have been calling them to ask to resolve the problem. every time i call they say someone will call me back in few hours but no one does. i cant believe huge company like NOS does this to its customers. now i think its time to change the service (heard MEO is far better then NOS) most importanly their customer service is atleat satisfactory. i also asked the person on the phone what is happing with me and requested to transfer the call to the manager. they never seem to help me.

Eu relatei um problema com o meu upgrade e decidi saty com o meu antigo negócio. tem sido um mês eu tenho chamado eles para pedir para resolver o problema. toda vez que eu ligo eles dizem que alguém vai me ligar de volta em poucas horas, mas ninguém liga. Eu não posso acreditar que uma grande empresa como a NOS faz isso para seus clientes. agora eu acho que é hora de mudar o serviço (ouvi MEO é muito melhor, em seguida, NOS) mais importanly seu serviço ao cliente é atleat satisfatório. Eu também perguntei à pessoa pelo telefone o que estava acontecendo comigo e pedi para transferir a ligação para o gerente. eles nunca parecem me ajudar.
You think the customer service is bad at NOS?, wait until you try MEO customer service 😉. Good luck 🙂
Hi, @Kiran, welcome to Fórum NOS.

We want to help you but, since it's a question regarding your service, we suggest that you call us. Check the available support lines here.

My experience is the same, totally s..t!

I live in the Azores and made a special day trip to Faial Island which has a NOS shop, to upgrade my old 20meg internet fixa (which mostly only does 7megs!) to the 100meg service for the same price and to complain about the low speeds.

Oh no, you must call the 34cents/minute line !  WTF?! Why should I pay to establish the service I am paying for that they should be giving me to start with! WTF should I pay to tell them I want to upgrade?!

The “free call”  internet option calls back, plays a recording saying wait 55secs (always) and then goes dead.

NOS management are utterly incompetent timewasters , like most PT management. No wonder Portugal is such  a huge financial drain on the EU.

What I ACTUALLY need is:

  1. The location of my nearest 4g cell tower 405012 to postcode 9940-064  (so I can align my external aerial properly myself) and
  2. The upgrade from 20 to 100meg  internet fixa.


I might just give up and get Meo instead  because we have a Meo shop on this island (which is also really s..t but at least one can shout at a real person and everybody knows the Island technicians.)

Just wasted over 15 minutes waiting, cost about 5.5€ !!!

Like I said, incompetent managers.

Here is WHY mangers are sh.t:

Employee does good simple job, get promoted.

Now does slightly more difficult job fairly well, gets promoted again.

Now is in job too difficult for them and is useless at it. Stays in job because people just don’t get demoted back into the lower jobs they were good at.

Stays there being useless until they get promoted again purely for being there so long.

Now is in even higher management job being even more useless and implementing useless systems that make competent workes inable to do their jobs. <<<« This is where NOS is at.


Actually got a call back from NOS with competent sounding person. After listening, she told me to wait to talk to another person. Line disconnected from their end after about a minute of very loud music!

WTF?! Back to square one!

Now what do I do? Wait?

Called a different number, who gave me yet another number, all at 30c/min. The previous ones never came back to me.

This one  actually changed my service from old 20meg to new 100meg like I wanted .

It’s taken my upload speed from 2.2 meg  to over 10 meg but my download speed is unchanged at an erratic 6 to 13 megs. Nowhere near 100 !

Now to deal with these low speeds.

I will see if I can have any joy with a directional jagi aerial.

It’s obvious that I will have to report NOS to Anacom if this persists.

Hello @MarcusK

We regret the delay in our response.
We ask that you send us a private message with your NOS customer number to @Fórum, please.

Thank You

PM sent. 

My speed is still only about 7 meg . Nowhere near 100meg.

Of course, if I knew where the transmitter is, I could do something about it.

My signal is 3-4 bars and the router diagnosis figures are reasonable. I think NOS is not sending me 100 meg speed in the first place.

I tried to get this improved to nearer the previous contract 20meg  but all I had was the run around between different tel numbers at 30c/min or more and gave up wasting money, time and patience.

It’s even more difficult because I don’t yet speak Portugese very well.

Anyway, can someone explain the complaint procedure with Anacom? I think it would be better if they dealt with NOS.


Forgot to say: NOS had no problem giving me 20meg when I first started the contract…!

Actually, I don’t see why I should try to fix this myself. They should send out a technician!

Maybe NOS don’t want to hire a technician on Pico Island because it costs them $$$!

Amazing! This must be the lowest download speed available in 2020:

0.93meg Download


Yet the upload speed is 9.62meg… This means that the cell tower is receiving my signal just fine but is not returning it. That means NOS is throttling my service?!


OK, “Forum”  has said that they will contact me so I am now waiting for their call or email.


Meanwhile…. I am now subscribed to the 4G 100meg service.

What speeds can I reasonably expect up and down?

Fastest megs I got so far is 15 down, 11 up.

Slowest was 0.7 down, 2.3 up

Highly variable and nowhere near 100meg …!

OK, “Forum”  has said that they will contact me so I am now waiting for their call or email.


Meanwhile…. I am now subscribed to the 4G 100meg service.

What speeds can I reasonably expect up and down?

Fastest megs I got so far is 15 down, 11 up.

Slowest was 0.7 down, 2.3 up

Highly variable and nowhere near 100meg …!

This is normal speeds for mobile internet. Just gotta check the router is in the best place.

This is FIXED internet.

If they label it 100meg speed then it should be over 50 at least,  certainly not be 0.01 of it.

In the past I have had to switch it to 3G because it just used cut out totally on 4G with intermittent fast speeds.

I have tried the router in numerous places while checking the diagnostic signal strengths (RSSI, RSRP, RSRQ).

I now use an external aerial which provides an extra bar of signal on this old NOS Huawei E5172  router.

If I knew where cell number 405 012 is, then I could align things.

As it is I don’t even know if the 4G transceiver is on a Satellite or on earth.

Olá @MarcusK,

We need you to send us your client number and full adress where you’re using the Internet, so we can check what is happening.

Please send us this personal data through private message, at @Fórum profile.

Thank you

I already sent you this days ago!

You are the third different person from NOS talking here.

I will send it yet again  again….

I never got any telefone call you promised on the mobile number I gave you days ago.


Be aware that your ongoing delays are additive to my cancellation period of the new 100meg contract.

So, I have sent you my details twice.

How about you now send me the location of transceiver/ cell tower ID 405 012 so that I can align my router aerial?

Of course, if you want to send an expensive engineer out, that’s fine with me.

So… still no progress after over a week of waiting but I have been asked to keep waiting for a contact.

Starting to look at a report to Anacom and the MEO satellite option...

Looking at my mobile, 16990 tried to call me last night (monday) at 18:56 in the middle of dinner.

Surely NOS don’t telefone people during mealtimes after working hours?


Hello @MarcusK

We apologize for the delay and the inconvenience caused.:disappointed_relieved:

In the meantime, did you receive a new contact from us?

Thank you

So, I was contacted again and the technician lady said that she had “reconfigured the router”.

Right now shows  a ridiculously slow 2 meg download speed.


The bars on the router are fluctuating down to 1.

She also did not tell me where my nearest transceiver is.

If someone were  to tell me where cell ID 405 012 is, like I keep damn well asking,  I could finally adjust my external  f%£&%ing antenna at last.

As it is, I am one step from dumping NOS.

I hereby give NOTICE TO QUIT, unless you properly fix my speed.

Hello @MarcusK

We apologize for the delay.
We already answered you by private message. 

Thank you 

So, NOS promised to “do another anlysis” and asked for the best time to call me.

Here is my reply to them:


I would rather be informed by EMAIL to: xxxxxx@xxxx.xx
of the outcome of the anlysis, in Portuguese.
This may become a legal matter and voice communication is of no use .

I suspect that the real problem is that you do not have the bandwidth to supply your advertised speeds.
As there are two fixed internet services, the 30 and the 100, and I subscibed to the 100, I expect the speed to be consistently OVER 30, obviously.
A map reference of cell ID 405 012 would help me to better position the antenna if necessary.
With regards, MarcusK
(Copied to the forum)
