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To cancel the service .

Hello, my name is Prem Chhantyal .This message is about service cancellation. The reason to cancel the service is because i have moved to another place so i don't need it. I have been to Torres Vedra Nos stores many times to cancel my service. However, they asked me to call the call center. I tried to contact the call center many times, but I could not reach. Since July I am not using WiFi but i am still getting bills form N.O.S. What should i do. Please help me to fix these issues, I just want to cancel the service. Looking forward to hearing back from you.


Thank you,



2 Comentários

Jorge C
Super User
  • Super User
  • 7926 comentários
  • 29 de setembro de 2024

Hello @Prem Chhantyal,

I would advise you to read the following site here and suggest that you edit your post to remove private information. Also, remember that you have a 280.37€ fine, and you can always move the service to the new address for free because the contract is older than six months.

Thank you.

João H.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29117 comentários
  • 30 de setembro de 2024

Hello @Prem Chhantyal,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We’ll assist on forwarding your request. 

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer Number and NIF.

Thank you 
