
Poor fiber connection

After a power cut (happens quite frequently in the area) my internet connection is unstable.

Streaming and consistent connections are fine but browsing the internet or using (mobile) apps is very unstable both via WiFi or cable. Sometimes a page loads fine then the next one shows text only and images don't load.
Also I regularly need to reload a page before it loads at all.

I've verified this happens on my own WiFi equipment as well as the built-in WiFi of the modem.
My laptop is connected via cable and loading websites is unstable there as well.
One of my bank apps even refuses to start unless I turn WiFi off on my phone.

I've tried rebooting several times and reconnecting the fiber cable between wall box and modem but this doesn't change anything. Also specifying custom DNS doesn't resolve the issue.

Below the status of the router. I don't see any logs I can check.

Should I schedule a technical visit or is there something else I can do?

ChristiaanP 2 meses atrás

Issue has been resolved by replacing the router

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5 Comentários

Reputação 7
Crachá +5

Hello @ChristiaanP,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Are you making a direct connection to the NOS router? 

We recommend you do a factory reset to the router and test again, please.

Share your feedback with us.

Thank you  

I've reset the router to factory settings but the issue remains.

Reputação 7
Crachá +5

Thank you for your feedback.

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with you NOS Costumer Number.

Thank you

Issue has been resolved by replacing the router

Reputação 7
Crachá +5

Hello @ChristiaanP,

Thank you for sharing your feedback in the community.

Please share with us any other questions that you may have. We’re always available to assist.

Thank you 
