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Moving an e-Sim to a new phone - error messages

Hi, I have recently upgraded my iphone from 13 to 15. I have an eSim by NOS but I’m getting an error message when I try and transfer the number over OR install it from the initial QR code.

I have read elsewhere that to do this I need to come into the shop, but this seems ridiculous. Is it true?

I’m back in UK for Xmas now and need my PT number as it’s all of my bank log ins 2FA.

Anyway round this?

Melhor resposta por Jorge C

Hello @AndyBBB,

Each voucher (QRCode) can only be used once to associate with a device. In case of changing equipment or other situations that require eSIM activation, a new eSIM will have to be activated.

You can request a 2nd copy of the eSIM at a NOS Store. 

Thank you

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Jorge C
Super User
  • Super User
  • 7975 comentários
  • Resposta
  • 13 de dezembro de 2023

Hello @AndyBBB,

Each voucher (QRCode) can only be used once to associate with a device. In case of changing equipment or other situations that require eSIM activation, a new eSIM will have to be activated.

You can request a 2nd copy of the eSIM at a NOS Store. 

Thank you

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 2 comentários
  • 13 de dezembro de 2023

Hi Jorge, thanks for the speedy response, was just double checking it. Pretty wild that if it was 2000 and I had a sim I could just swap it. But it’s 2023 and with technical progress to make our lives easier, we’re onto e-sims - which if I want to swap phones I have to physically travel to a shopping centre, get a ticket, queue up. And don’t have access to my bank for 2-3 weeks till I can. Hot damn haha.

Jorge C
Super User
  • Super User
  • 7975 comentários
  • 13 de dezembro de 2023

I guess it is about security @AndyBBB 

Take care

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 2 comentários
  • 13 de dezembro de 2023

Yeah, it’s actually quite a nice hidden security feature that stops sim swaps. Which is a big problem especially in tech sector. I just wish I’d done the phone swap bf coming home for xmas!


João H.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29234 comentários
  • 13 de dezembro de 2023

Hello @AndyBBB, welcome to the NOS Forum.

We appreciate your message. @Jorge C gave a good help.

If you have more questions, let us know. We’re always here to help.

Thank you
