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I have a nos router fast5670gpon and trying to forward external router port tcp/2222 to the internal IP port tcp/22. I configured it like that below and trying to ssh to router external IP and port 2222 does not connect (using AWS instance: ssh -p 2222 root@<my external IP>) . I am missing firewall port to be open or something else. Tried firewall setting but I see only two options: one secure and one open that has no description of its setting. Any ideas?


> port forwarding > criar regra > <selected IP> > avancar > nome do
servico: ssh, selection o protocolo: TCP, selecione o porto de destino do router:
unico, porto: 2222, selecione o porto de encaminhamento do eqiupamento: 22
> criar regra

Hello @peterz11,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

For questions relating micro-informatics we recommend contacting our IT partners at  “pcmedic” through 16991.

Know more about this service here.

Thank you 




I called 16991 they could not help me and charged me 10 euros for the call!!! Shit is crazy!  John next time tell whoever you help that the support call will cost them money. I would expect NOS support to be free!


Its not NOS support, its pcmedic. You can check the cost in the link provided.

Hello @peterz11,

We’re sorry that our IT partners weren’t able to assist you in this matter.

Can you please elaborate what was the conclusion they got to? 

For us to be able to refund the €10 in your account, please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer Number.

Thank you

@peterz11 was your problem solved?

I have this new router too, and the ddns and port forwarding functions are not working.

I’m an IT technician so i know the problem it’s in the router and “pc medic” it’s waste of money and time.

@João H. se tiverem solução para o problema, por favor, informem. No portal “” essas opções aparecem indisponíveis ou sempre a darem erro, e pela página de gestão do router as definições não funcionam.


Good morning,
We suggest that you consult our article on port forwarding. Learn more at: 


Boa tarde,

Era bom que realmente lessem o conteúdo das mensagens que escrevemos em vez de darem respostas automatizadas.

Bom dia @pedrojflourenco
Ao consultar o artigo indicado, encontra soluções referidas por outros utilizadores.

Se tiver alguma questão, mesmo assim, pedimos que partilhe. 
