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I had a contract with NOS for 3 years (2 years contract period + 1 year after that). Before I was leaving Portugal I canceled it and returned all the equipment. The whole procedure was a nightmare as I called NOS more than 5 times and was in a shop 2 times. I lost two days and a lot of patience. Unfortunately, it is still not over as today I received a bill for something that should be canceled!!! As I am not anymore in Portugal it is expensive for me to call and lose 5 hours to correct the mistake that I did not make!!! Please, can somebody correct the mistake and cancel the invoice for April - the month that I am not even using the NOS services.
Send a pedido from your área de cliente, saying that you have already asked to cancel the contract
I can see that only I can "send a pedido" from my area de cliente and ask to cancel the contract...I do not see that I can write any comment? Also, your cancelling procedure means that they will call me again and bother me with questions and I already did that and also returned the equipment.

Please, can you clarify your answer?
For sure it will be difficult to obtain a clear answer from them. Actually, as you can notice, no one from NOS replied you here since yesterday (you can see how they are concearned with your problem...). Anyway, and because we're a very burocratic country, I warn you that if you canceled the contract it must had been by registered letter, which I suppose you kept a copy and registration ticket. Secondly, if you delivered the equipement in the store, or if they picked it up in your house, also you should have a sheet signed by you and them saying it. This is all very important.

There's no way of writing anything in you client area, forget about it too. If they call, you'll have to insist (remember, how they insist? - a lot... just have the same attitude) and tell them to cancel immediatly all the invoices that they sent after the contract was canceled.

Insist, insist. Hope you can solve the problem...
Hi @Marina Ljubenovic, welcome to Fórum NOS.

We want to help you but, since it's a question regarding your service, we suggest that you call us. Check the available support lines here.
Caro Tiago, se querem ajudar liguem à senhora "pá"! Ou o inglês dela é assim tão impercetível? Ainda para mais ela está no estrangeiro, fica-lhe mais oneroso ser ela a ligar-vos, ainda por cima se tiver razão quanto ao cancelamento do contrato "pá"! A NOS não pode pagar a chamada? Não tem plafond?

É inacreditável, porque nunca tinha utilizado o fórum, a forma como vocês lidam com os clientes... pensei que era só eu mas, afinal, é uma atitude generalizada. Porque é que não se dedicam a dar banho a cães? Também dá dinheiro... e menos problemas...
Just a tiny translation about what I've written: "Dear Tiago, if you want to help you should call the lady "man"! Or her english is that bad?" Besides, she's in other country, and it's burdensome if she has to call you, and worst if the reason concearning the contract cancelation it's on her side "man"! NOS cannot pay for the call? No plafond for it?

It's unbeliavable, I've never had used this forum, the way you manage your clients... I thought that it was just me but, after all, it's a generalized attitude. Why don't you dedicate yourself to give bath to dogs? Is also profitable... and gives less problems...
Dear Hugo, thank you for your support 🙂 This is really unbelievable behaviour!!! It is like I signed a contract with the devil and not a telecommunication company :(

@Tiago C. Tiago, if you read carefully my first comment, you can see that I already called NOS several times, cancelled the contract, and return the equipment! Of course, I have proof of that but I do not know where to send it?! I am not any more in Portugal so I do not want to pay extra to call you and try to correct YOUR mistake! You have my contact information (my phone number and email) so you can contact me if you want but I do not see the point. I just want from you to cancel all the invoices and delete my details from NOS as I do not want to have anything with you anymore! You are a telecommunication company so I am guessing that you are COMMUNICATING with other parts of your company and ones that can correct this mistake!
