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WiFi Calling

Hi there, 

My spouse is going to Portugal in a few weeks. 

Can I send my Portuguese SIM card which is still active with him and he activates WiFi Calling on it?

So basically my question is does it need to be activated on my device or can he put it in his phone to activate? When we left I never activated it so it does not work on my iPhone. Will my phone and my sim need to be in Portugal to activate or can he just take my Sim and Activate it? 




Melhor resposta por João H.

Hello @André le Grange,

Thank you for your question.

This service is only compatible with certain devices listed here.
Check a quick guide in how to ativate Wi-Fi Calling here.

You can learn more about Wi-Fi Calling in NOS through out article:

Please let us know if there’s any questions we can help with.

Thank you 

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Jorge C
Super User
  • 8078 comentários
  • 27 de junho de 2023

Good afternoon @André le Grange,


If you never activated the phone number maybe it was cancelled.

Still you ask for a new number here.


Thank you

My phone number is still active. 
I just never activated WiFi calling while in Portugal and were planning on going this year when I would have activated it. I still get sms’s so the number is active. 

It is just the WiFi calling that must be activated. I don’t know if it needs to be done in Portugal on the sim only or on the phone as well? 

João H.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29345 comentários
  • Resposta
  • 27 de junho de 2023

Hello @André le Grange,

Thank you for your question.

This service is only compatible with certain devices listed here.
Check a quick guide in how to ativate Wi-Fi Calling here.

You can learn more about Wi-Fi Calling in NOS through out article:

Please let us know if there’s any questions we can help with.

Thank you 

Thanks for the comments. I appreciate it.
I know how WiFi Calling works as here in SA we do use wifi Calling. 
I have an iPhone 12 so it does support it. 
But it is just I know I had to activate my local carrier’s WiFi Calling in South Africa before I went to Portugal. So I believe the same would need to happen for the NOS sim card. It has to be activated while in Portugal? But what I dont know is if it just needs the SIM to get the settings from the network to get onto the SIM? 

João H.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29345 comentários
  • 27 de junho de 2023

Thank you for your feedback @André le Grange.

This service also isn’t compatible with all the mobile plans. Please tell us what’s your mobile plan.

If the mobile plan is compatible and you have it activated in your smartphone settings, the Wi-fi calling will be automatically activated and call will be made through Wi-Fi when the present cellphone coverage is weak.

Thank you 


I am on Prepaid. 

The Livre plan as far as I know.

Mário P.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29457 comentários
  • 28 de junho de 2023

@André le Grange, Apple mobile phones will need to access the settings menu, then the network settings option and finally activate the wifi calling function.

Best regards, 

  • Megabyte
  • 14 comentários
  • 1 de agosto de 2023

Boa tarde,

Existe listagem de equipamentos compatíveis com Wifi-Calling da NOS que seja actual?  Só encontro uma lista mas é de Agosto de 2022.

Queria saber se o Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 PRO 5G é compatível



Mário P.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29457 comentários
  • 2 de agosto de 2023

Bom dia @DJMBS

Agradecemos o seu comentário. Mas de momento, não temos novidades quanto à certificação nesse equipamento. 


  • Megabyte
  • 14 comentários
  • 2 de agosto de 2023

@Mário P. mas não existe uma listagem mais actual dos equipamentos compatíveis? A que existe já tem um ano...



Mário P.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29457 comentários
  • 2 de agosto de 2023

Não, @DJMBS 😥

A última listagem que temos é a que refere. 
Muito obrigado 
