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Partilha de Net ​What is the Net Sharing service?

  • Kilobyte
  • 9 comentários

Partilha de Net


​What is the Net Sharing service?

​There are two different cards associated with the same number. The second card uses the same ceilings as the main card, and can be used with additional equipment (tablet, smartphone, smartwatch or PC) without the need to obtain another number and tariff. The net plafond on the mobile phone or net for PC/Tablet of the subscribed tariff can be used from both cards at the same time . 





Does NOS have such service ? How much each month ?




Melhor resposta por Mário P.

I apologize for the delay in our response, @Y Z 
Not. This tariff does not allow the use of the twin card. Currently, you can only have it if you have a prepaid tariff. Learn more here.

Best regards, 

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10 Comentários

Mário P.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29399 comentários
  • 6 de setembro de 2022


No. With NOS you can have a Smart Number that allows you to have access to the same number and consumption of mobile data on a smartwatch or Apple Watch.
Alternatively, you have the possibility of having a twin card, however it is only available for some tariffs and only allows its use on a 2nd mobile phone.

Best regards,

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 9 comentários
  • 6 de setembro de 2022



May I know more details about the twin card and the Smart Number?

Mário P.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29399 comentários
  • 7 de setembro de 2022

Hi @Y Z,😊

The Twin service allows the Customer, through the use of two SIM cards with the same telephone number, to be contacted on two devices. This service is currently available for the following cards:

  • SIM /SIM
  • USIM / Micro USIM
  • Micro USIM / Micro USIM
  • Micro USIM / Nano SIM

As for the Smart Number service, we answer your question at: 

Best regards, 

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 9 comentários
  • 7 de setembro de 2022
Mário P. escreveu:

Hi @Y Z,😊

The Twin service allows the Customer, through the use of two SIM cards with the same telephone number, to be contacted on two devices. This service is currently available for the following cards:

  • SIM /SIM
  • USIM / Micro USIM
  • Micro USIM / Micro USIM
  • Micro USIM / Nano SIM

As for the Smart Number service, we answer your question at: 

Best regards, 


Bom Dia Mario, 

Yes, that’s what I want . Is this 44.99 plan OK to get twin service?

If yes, may I have the detailed procedure to add it and more details of twin service ?

If not, which plan is OK ?


1st card

Unlimited data, mins and sms

€ 44.99



  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 9 comentários
  • 9 de setembro de 2022

Look forward to your feedback, thanks 

João H.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29234 comentários
  • 9 de setembro de 2022

Hello @Y Z,

Thank you for reaching out.

So we can assist in you request, please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer number. 

Thank you 

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 9 comentários
  • 9 de setembro de 2022





I don't have NOS number yet.


I want to know the answer before purchasing it.



Is this 44.99 plan OK to get twin service?


Unlimited data, mins


If yes, may I have the detailed procedure to add it and more details of twin service


If not, which plan is OK.







Mário P.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29399 comentários
  • Resposta
  • 12 de setembro de 2022

I apologize for the delay in our response, @Y Z 
Not. This tariff does not allow the use of the twin card. Currently, you can only have it if you have a prepaid tariff. Learn more here.

Best regards, 

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 9 comentários
  • 16 de setembro de 2022


Mário P.
  • Gestor da comunidade
  • 29399 comentários
  • 16 de setembro de 2022

Thank you, @Y Z 😊
Any questions you have, talk to us. We're here to help.
