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I am currently on a 40mbps internet service via my 4g router. However, I have never received speeds anywhere close to that for the life of the package. Absolute best speed I have received is roughly 15mbps, but that is extremely rare (which is a shame because I could have made do with that speed). Most of the time, speed is roughly 5-10mbps. However for the last several days it has mainly been 1-3mbps (sometimes even less). It isn't usable like this, and this isn't what I am paying for. No amount of rebooting has helped the issue. Please fix this so I can have a suitable Internet service.



Hello @Lynise Sleigh,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We’re sorry to hear you’re having troubles with the internet service.

Please tell us the complete postal code of the area were you’re using the service.

Thank you

The postcode is 8600-148

Hello @Lynise Sleigh,

Thank you for your feedback.

We’ve checked that there’s no issue in the mobile coverage in your area.

We recommend that you reboot the router and try repositioning it near another window in order to improve the router’s reception.

Please tell us if you’ve noticed any improvement.

Thank you 


I have tried these solutions numerous times and it does not resolve the issue.

Hello @Lynise Sleigh,

Thank you for your feedback. We’ll provide further assistance.

Please send us a private message to the  @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer Number. 

Thank you
