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Sorry for posting in English

I have been away for several months and when I turn on my TV it says my card is not authorised

It tells me to phone 16990 but when I do all the options are in Portuguese and I don’t speak that yet

Can anyone please tell me which option numbers I should press to fix my problem and speak to someone who speaks English

Many thanks


Desculpe por postar em ingles

Eu estive ausente por vários meses e quando ligo minha TV diz que meu cartão não está autorizado

Diz-me para ligar para 16990 mas quando faço todas as opções estão em português e ainda não falo isso

Alguém pode me dizer quais números de opção devo pressionar para resolver meu problema e falar com alguém que fala inglês

Muito Obrigado



Think its option 3 first. for techical support. then try to press 1 1 1. Whoever answers will surely get you the right person to transfer. or maybe you can send a private message to @Fórum which is NOS official account to ask for someone to contact you if its a portuguese number.


Is your box thomson ? If so you will have to come to portugal to exchange it.

Welcome to Fórum NOS @Nick Webber

Olá @Guimas

@Nick Webber, o @Guimas, gave a good help!

Did you get it? We look forward to receiving your feedback.

Thank you 



Yes it was very good help


I pressed 3 and then 1 and got through to the correct department who were very helpful.


The first person I spoke with did not speak much English but his colleague called me back and had the problem fixed in a couple of minutes.


Thank you

@Nick Webber

We are glad the situation is resolved! :blush:
If you have more questions or suggestions, please share with us.

Thank you!
