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worst internet provider

  • Kilobyte
  • 7 comentários
Why you collect data?? This is illegal!! Stop it!!
I can not use that websites who have google recaptcha because you collect datas from the customers and therefore google blocked all connection.

14 Comentários

  • Gigabyte
  • 221 comentários
  • 11 de setembro de 2018
Have you tried it without the VPN you are using?

I have no problems in Captchas in NOS, and never seen problems reported by NOS users.

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 7 comentários
  • 11 de setembro de 2018
I do not use VPN. VPN is turned off. I tried with VPN but was the same problem.
I tried use firefox,chrome but was the same problem. I cleared browser history,cookies,etc..
I got allways this message. ISP provider collect data therefore google captcha block access.

  • Gigabyte
  • 221 comentários
  • 11 de setembro de 2018
Do you have a Chrome Extension to automatically accept captchas?

I can tell you for sure, its not a ISP problem.

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 7 comentários
  • 11 de setembro de 2018
I know, this is ISP problem. I tried my friend internet connection and all was fine.(vodafone)

  • Gigabyte
  • 221 comentários
  • 12 de setembro de 2018
Like I said, I find it hard to believe that you're the only one with that issue.
Dont take me the wrong way, I'm not defending NOS, but it's a issue that if it was ISP sided it would be more widespred.

Lets try to take this in other manners:
What type of Internet do you use? Mobile Internet?
Is the vodafone network with a Mobile PEN?

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 7 comentários
  • 12 de setembro de 2018
I use this internet:

And my friend internet is vodafone 400/100 Mbps.

  • Zettabyte
  • 803 comentários
  • 12 de setembro de 2018
Are you tried with the same pc?

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 7 comentários
  • 13 de setembro de 2018
Of course

Carolina V.
  • Moderador
  • 2584 comentários
  • 13 de setembro de 2018
Welcome, @Jasna.

We want to help you but, since it's a technical question regarding your service, we suggest that you call us. Check the available support lines here.

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 7 comentários
  • 13 de setembro de 2018
Carolina V. escreveu:
Welcome to Fórum NOS, @Jasna.

We want to help you but, since it's a technical question regarding your service, we suggest that you call us. Check the available support lines here.

Yes, I called the support earlier but you did not solve this issue. The problem is that you collect data from the customers. But this is illegal. Google detect this suspicious activity therefore I can not use that website where the customers must use google recaptcha.
It is very easy. When I use another internet conection with the same laptop then it working well. But when I use my internet conection (NOS) then I can not login or register because google block the access.
I do not want call you again because you promissed that you will solve this issue but so far nothing happend.
And I know you do not want solve this big problem.
If you really want solve this issue then I will give you my Customer ID and you can change the modem or you can whitelist my IP address or you can stop collecting data from the customers. I do not know exactly what you will do it.

I think you will never answer as you will never solve this big problem.

  • Gigabyte
  • 221 comentários
  • 14 de setembro de 2018
I think that maybe its a router problem.
Your router isnt a very common brand between NOS customers because you have the 12Mb Internet.
You have a different model, and that maybe is the issue here.

And unfortunately thats a router model that isnt manageable.

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 7 comentários
  • 14 de setembro de 2018
Not router problem. Yes,I have 12MB internet. Modem and router is from the NOS. I tried use the internet without the router. You know with cable. But the same problem. NOS collect data from the customers and google can detect this suspicious activity. This is the problem. I spoke with the NOS service and they changed first the router and thereafter the modem but nothing happened.
Because the problem is not the router or the modem. If I use the internet conection with cable then the problem is the same. Last time when a man was here from the NOS he tried use a tablet. You know this is NOS tablet and was the same problem. I think this information is more than enough. Not my computer is wrong or not the modem or the router. The problem is the NOS. Worst internet provider what I ever seen. This is the truth. And they do not want stop this suspicious activity.
When my contract will end I will leave this x company.
Until that time I use vodafone internet of my friend.
That is working well. Always.

Carolina V.
  • Moderador
  • 2584 comentários
  • 14 de setembro de 2018
Hello, @Jasna.

To be able to help you, we insist that you call us, since it's a technical issue that needs to be followed by a specialized team. If you already called, we suggest that you wait for our contact.

  • Autor
  • Kilobyte
  • 7 comentários
  • 15 de setembro de 2018
Carolina V. escreveu:
Hello, @Jasna.

To be able to help you, we insist that you call us, since it's a technical issue that needs to be followed by a specialized team. If you already called, we suggest that you wait for our contact.

Yes I called you 2 weeks ago. But so far nothing happened. Therefore I Told that NOS is the worst internet provider what I ever seen.
Already does not matter. I will use Vodafone. That is a fair company.

You do not want my customer ID because you know who I am. And you know I say the truth. You are not fair company.
Thank you. Bye