
traffic shaping nos (aqui estamos nos novamente)

Reputação 4
teste na ps4 com a net de casa


Tempo de descarregamento na ps4 com a net de casa


teste na ps4 com os dados moveis 4G
Tempo de descarregamento na ps4 com dados moveis 4G

É normal numa velocidade de 200mbts(up) e 20mbps(down) contratada, o teste da própria ANACOM dar apenas metade do valor contratado?

É normal que os meus DADOS MOVEIS descarreguem mais rapidamente o jogo na consola que a minha própria NET de casa? 

È normal isto ser recorrente? eu nem sei se durante alguma fase do dia fico mesmos com a velocidade toda em algum destes testes.


E mais, vou sitar também este tópico que também eu lancei aqui no forum, e que não está resolvido (resposta automática da nos), e que relata os mesmos problemas traffic shapping nos serviços de descarregamento


e outro tópico aqui no forum que também foi lançado, mas que ja foi mandado a baixo e ja nao se encontra online -"Ps4 velocidades lentas" - onde o user reportou o mesmo, mas em vez dos dados moveis, usou uma VPN para relatar o mesmo, que existia uma diferença absurda nas velocidades.

ele acho que mandou para a provedoria NOS e resolveu-se o contrato.


eu talvez tenha também de fazer o mesmo mais dia menos dia  


Melhor resposta por Goncalo Dias 13 December 2020, 21:42

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53 Comentários

Here’s the funny part, last night I was downloading at 2 am and I was getting 60 mbps download speed, this morning it was back to 2 mbps, so stop providing these useless steps! 

These steps have nothing to do with the performance of your internet. 

If I don’t receive a proper reply, I’ll be going to a lawyer.

good luck

Thanks for the sarcasm, but if it NOS can show me that they mentioned in terms and conditions, I will be happy to accept that I am wrong 

Reputação 7
Crachá +2

Here’s the funny part, last night I was downloading at 2 am and I was getting 60 mbps download speed, this morning it was back to 2 mbps, so stop providing these useless steps! 

These steps have nothing to do with the performance of your internet. 

If I don’t receive a proper reply, I’ll be going to a lawyer.

good luck

Thanks for the sarcasm, but if it NOS can show me that they mentioned in terms and conditions, I will be happy to accept that I am wrong 

As youve been told, NOS says its nothing with them. They will not assist you. So let us know if the lawyer way helps. no sarcasm.

Here’s the funny part, last night I was downloading at 2 am and I was getting 60 mbps download speed, this morning it was back to 2 mbps, so stop providing these useless steps! 

These steps have nothing to do with the performance of your internet. 

If I don’t receive a proper reply, I’ll be going to a lawyer.

good luck

Thanks for the sarcasm, but if it NOS can show me that they mentioned in terms and conditions, I will be happy to accept that I am wrong 

As youve been told, NOS says its nothing with them. They will not assist you. So let us know if the lawyer way helps. no sarcasm.

And as I mentioned, at night the restriction is lifted, and they’re manipulating this and causing inconvenience. Unless they can prove me wrong in a written document, I will be consulting a lawyer. 
