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I tried purchasing Avatar Movie tickets today with NOS free ticket offer (Christmas Offer).
I applied the code made the payment for 3d glasses and got a message on screen saying:
“Receberá uma notificação na App assim que os artigos estiverem disponíveis. Verifique as notificações no seu perfil ou navegue até à carteira.” 

But it has been 10 hours and I have yet not received the ticket on email or Nos Cinema App.
Kindly assist.

Hello @Abhishek Singh Bais,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Please tell us what method did you used to purchase the tickets. Have you done it through the App NOS Cinemas ou website? 

Was the money charged on your card? 

Thank you

Hi @João H. ,

I used mobile app for this, I was charged 2 Euros for the 3d glasses twice(As I tried two times) so 4 euros in total.

I used two movie vouchers to book the ticket, now when I try to use those vouchers I am getting error in payment.


Hi @João H. ,

I used mobile app for this, I was charged 2 Euros for the 3d glasses twice(As I tried two times) so 4 euros in total.

I used two movie vouchers to book the ticket, now when I try to use those vouchers I am getting error in payment.


talk directly with the cinema in question:

um bem haja 

Hello @Abhishek Singh Bais,

We apologize for the late response.

Did you follow @Bruno Aleixo’s recommendation? 

Thank you
