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When I signed up for my NOS subscription to get internet and TV, I was offered a free subscription to Disney+ for 9 months. In the invoice it states:


Serviços extra pacote    1x Serviços premium 1x Oferta Disney+ 9 meses


How do I actually activate this offer? I see there is an option in the client area “A Minha Conta” under “Televisão” where you can activate a Disney+ subscription, but this requires payment of 8.99 a month and says nothing about the free offer. 


Many thanks


Hello there Edward,


Please follow these steps.


Thank you

Hello @Edzo,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

@Jorge C shared good information on this matter. 🙂

The Disney+ offer becomes available for activation up to 30 days after the service is installed.

Please tell us if this period has gone by and you still cant see the offer in you Área de Cliente or App NOS.

Thank you


Thanks for the quick response. I had no idea there was a time limit, I had the package installed in november and only just had time to look into this. There was no mention of the time limit or any kind of instructions at all with the initial installation. I would not expect a time limit for activate on a product that lasts 9 months.

Can you reset the time limit on it?


Hello @Edzo,

Thank you for your feedback regarding this matter.

We’ll help on solving this issue. 

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer Number.

Thank you 

Hi there

I’ve send a messages to the @forum profile several days ago but have not had any response. Could you confirm receipt?



Hello @Edzo,

We apologize for the delay on our response.

We’ve received your private message and will reply to is as soon as possible.

Thank you
