

Bom Dia.Comprei um cartão SIM que me dá dados ilimitados de internet em um serviço 4G. € 30 por 30 dias.Voltei para o Reino Unido e gostaria de saber como posso recarregar este serviço usando minha conta bancária ou cartão de crédito no Reino Unido.Obrigado


Good Morning.

I have bought a sim card which gives me unlimited internet data over a 4G service. €30 for 30 days.

I have returned to the UK and like to know how I can top up this service using my UK bank account or credit card?

Thank you

6 Comentários

Reputação 7
Crachá +2


The password is the same you use to login on your Client Area.


Please send us a messagem through @Fórum profile, with your client number or your mobile Internet number.


Thank you :relaxed:  

Hello Ines.

I logged on to nos with an email address and password successfully. After clicking on 'Associate Services' and entering the same email address and password after clicking on 'tem credencias', it says invalid password. Are there two passwords ?

Reputação 7
Crachá +2

Hi @Ferrohomen :blush:,


To associate your Mobile Internet, you need to access your Client Area using the Internet service you want to register, and follow these steps:

  • Go to http://cliente.nos.pt
  • Click on “Associar serviços”
  • Select “Internet móvel”
  • If you’re not using your mobile Internet service at the moment, click on “Tem credenciais?”
  • Write your email and password

After you associate your service, top up your Internet, choosing “Internet móvel” and “Carregar saldo”


If you need any other help, we’re here. 


Thank you

Thank you for replying Ana. 

I previously downloaded the NOS app and did not get very far. I registered successfully. Then it tries to associate me to an existing account. How do I associate my Kangaroo simm card to an account please?

Reputação 7
Crachá +6

Olá @Ferrohomen

Lamentamos a demora na nossa resposta. :sweat:

Pode efetuar o carregamento da sua banda larga móvel através da app NOS, homebanking ou ainda por multibanco. Se o seu cartão internacional assim o permitir, pode efetuar o carregamento através do mesmo.


Estou ansioso para receber uma resposta. Obrigado
