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Sorry that this is in English.

I have tried to call your technical support team at least 30 times in the last 24 hours.

My fixed phone cuts off after exactly 5 minutes and 40 seconds on every call and I have explained this and occasionally they call back on my mobile as requested, most times not, if I do get a call back then it is then transferred to another operator and then the call is cut whilst on hold.

My internet router keeps dropping out and the signal is weak

My TV box has been showing "booting" for 3 months now and I am actually wondering which kind of service I am paying for.

I trust that you can help

Hi @Mark Wilson,

We answer your question here.



The worst telephone /Internet provider, they just do whatever they want, they lie about what they say they are selling you, then when you say you want out because its not what you agree they get aggressive and say they will sue you for the full contract... Shocking how they get away with it. 

@Martynf, like Forrest Gump said: Stupid is as stupid does.

If you don,t like shrimp, do not eat it.🆒

I would like to know if you are all completely stupid?

I have called at least 40 times now, my phone cuts off after 5 minutes and 40 seconds incoming or outgoing and my internet which I am paying for a 120 connection cannot load most pages in under one minute and even the NOS speed test will not even load, your "customer service" never calls back and this is a disgusting service, what do you recommend that I do?
@Martynf In this case it's best to call from the cell phone. You'll probably need a technician to see what's going on.
