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qustion about paid bill

Hi, I have a question about this monthly bill that I have already paid. I still have it “unpaid” in NOS Application (and also I have it “paid”). Help me to find solution please, what else do I need to do to make this “unpaid” bill disappear from my private area ? 


Bom dia @Artur Miasnikov, a app NOS não deve estar atualizada. O pagamento está de facto efetuado conforme se pode ver no seu print.

É sempre mais confiável a confirmação na área de cliente


Thank! You can close the topic. Have a good day

Hello @Artur Miasnikov,

Thank you for reaching out to us. @Jose Rodrigues gave a good help clarifying this matter. 🙂

The update on the payment information may vary depending on the method used. 
Since the payment is already shown right after the invoice, you can be assured that this was processed. It’s now just a matter of waiting untill all the platforms synchronize this info.

Please share with us any questions that may occur. We’re always available to help here at Fórum NOS. 😊

Thank you


Hello, it’s still shows that my bill was not paid. Despite that fact, that I paid for it. How can I fix it? It looks really weird. 

And I still can’t understand if I paid my bill or not. Can you check it by my client id? 


Hello @Artur Miasnikov,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

We erased the image from your comment to protect your personal information. 

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer Number.

Thank you

It’s done. I sent it 

Hello @Artur Miasnikov,

Thank you for your feedback.

We’ve received your message and will reply to it as soon as possible.

Thank you
