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A partir de 15 de junho, temos roaming na Europa, posso usar o meu Internet Fixa em qualquer lugar da Europa ou do Reino Unido, sem custo extra?

Sorry, my Portuguese language is not good.

From the 15th June can we use Internet Fixa in Europe and in the UK at no extra cost?
UK mobile customers will only be able to benefit from the end of roaming charges up until the spring of 2019, when the country is expected to exit the EU.

Read the news:
Thanks, I know about mobile phones. My question is about my home internet connection. I have an Internet Fixa. A box that you just plug into a socket. It uses 4G and apparently I can use it anywhere in Portugal. I want to know if I can use it outside of Portugal for no extra cost.
Hi Julie. Hi guess you can use in UK, but there is be a plafond that you can you without extra cost.

If you exceed that, it will be charged to you. I think that you can see the amount in your client´s area. Do you have the service registered there?

Thanks, I know about mobile phones. My question is about my home internet connection. I have an Internet Fixa. A box that you just plug into a socket. It uses 4G and apparently I can use it anywhere in Portugal. I want to know if I can use it outside of Portugal for no extra cost.

You can continue to use the NOS fixed network in england, but you have to call the 16990> tech support> internet, and ask to switch the network, to UK
It's registered in Portugal, but I want to use it in the UK too. I'll try contacting tech support to switch the network.
Hello Julie, A Portuguese the mobile phone Internet can be used in Roaming, but not continuously. The Portuguese company can evaluate over a 5 months period if your usage was more out of the country than in, and if so, they can cancel the roaming benefit. The rules are horribly complicated, but that is the bottom line in English.

I have the router with the "Cartão Net Fixa", and when I take it to other parts of Portugal, the system wants me to register the new location. They allow 4 locations only, and only in Portugal.

I get 2.5 Gigabits in roaming from my NOS telephone when in France etc, but the "Net Fixa" (a NOS employee disagreed with your term, but I just reread in on my NOS installation paper) does not register in Spain, which is 14 KM away from here.

This service is fixed, not available while roaming!

Este serviço é fixo, não está disponível em roaming!

It can only be used in the zone (postal code) of the address where the service was activated.

Só pode ser usado na zona (coigo postal) da morada onde o serviço foi ativado.

God damn it...
The large writing above is incorrect.

As letras grandes acima são incorretas:

Transportável para usar noutras casas

Ideal quando vai de férias, basta levar o equipamento e ligar à tomada, para começar a navegar, sem qualquer custo adicional.

Transportable for use in other houses

Ideal when you go for holidays, simply take the equipment, connect to the power point, and navigate, without any additional cost.

I take mine to other houses, there is no other cost, but the system only allows 4 locations.

Levei meu para outros lugares, sem custos adicionais nenhuma, mas o sistema só quer registrar 4 locais.
...but the system only allows 4 locations....

Thank you!

Yes, all of us are free to change home address... Hapy if we have coverage in all of them...
