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My wifi at home is 99% normal operation. It has stable network speed , stable working status. Why is 99% ?    The 1% problem is that from last week , I cannot visit some Chinese website (not all , but part of Chinese website) via my Wifi .  But , I can visit these Chinese website via my 4G/5G cellular data.  The Ping result shows dns works correctly , but the destination ip address doesn't give any response.

Part of these websites are listed below:

1  (

2 (

3 icloud server based at China   : (



Please help me.Thanks!

Boa tarde @JIAWEI HU,

Acabei de testar e tenho aos 3 site que refere.

Por favor informe qual é o nome do seu serviço de internet fixo.

Uma possibilidade é o IP address que obteve estar blacklisted, por vários motivos, sendo o mais provável pela prática de CGNAT pela NOS.


Thank you for your quick response.

 @Jorge C 


I can not understand “nome do seu serviço de internet fixo” .  My public ip address?




Thank you for your quick response.

 @Jorge C 


I can not understand “nome do seu serviço de internet fixo” .  My public ip address?



I mean the name of your service.

Translate documents & websites | Google

Thank you

@Jorge C 

I don’t provide any service . I just visit website Youtube\google\twitter… via Wifi.

@Jorge C

I don’t provide any service . I just visit website Youtube\google\twitter… via Wifi.


I mean the internet service name you are paying to the ISP NOS.

Thank you

Sorry, this question really stumps me. Can you give me an example of “Internet service name”? Or where can I find my Internet Service Name?


Muito obrigado!

Sorry, this question really stumps me. Can you give me an example of “Internet service name”? Or where can I find my Internet Service Name?


Muito obrigado!

Please check the internet service you are paying following this steps.

Thank you

The NOS app and the website are both changed , only show the mobile phone information:


from my bill last month, it shows:

I have tried my best to show all the information , sorry.

My wifi at home is 99% normal operation. It has stable network speed , stable working status. Why is 99% ?    The 1% problem is that from last week , I cannot visit some Chinese website (not all , but part of Chinese website) via my Wifi .  But , I can visit these Chinese website via my 4G/5G cellular data.  The Ping result shows dns works correctly , but the destination ip address doesn't give any response.

Part of these websites are listed below:

1  (

2 (

3 icloud server based at China   : (



Please help me.Thanks!


The problem happens when accessing via mobile data or the residential service?

Thank you

This problem happens just via my home wifi . 

I can visit these websites via my mobile data.


This morning , I went to NOS loja , I can also visit these websites via FreeWifi provided by NOS loja. 😂

What’s even more amazing is that I just checked the connection of my home network camera (China’s Xiaomi is also affected by this network problem), and the network started to be disconnected on the morning of April 9th, and the camera cannot be used. But from 22:00 on April 16 to 7:00 on April 17, and around 22:00 on April 17, it was connected. Because it was all at night, I didn't notice it. I just checked the camera log and saw it.

This problem happens just via my home wifi . 

I can visit these websites via my mobile data.


This morning , I went to NOS loja , I can also visit these websites via FreeWifi provided by NOS loja. 😂


My only advice is that you leave your home router turned off overnight so that you can hopefully get another IP with a better reputation.

Thank you

Thank you for your suggestion, I will try it tonight, thank you so much

Thank you for your suggestion, I will try it tonight, thank you so much

Please share the test result with the community as it may help others.

Thank you

OK, I haven't turned on the router yet, I want to extend the shutdown time a little longer to ensure that the IP lease time is exceeded.

I'll share the results promptly, after I turn on the router.

Thank you!


Thank you for reaching out to us. 

Please let us know if the situation persists after doing @Jorge C’s recommendation.

Thank you

@Jorge C @João H.  Dear Jorge C ,João H 

I open the router tonight after offline 36 hours , the problem has been solved. 

Thank you so much!




Thank you for sharing your feedback on the issue with us.

Let us know if there’s anything else we can assist with. We’re always available to help here at Fórum NOS.

Thank you
