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I had multiple calls from the NOS trying to sell me alarm system. Usually I dont have problem with it but in this case:

- I informed NOS employee that I already had the conversation

- she nevertheless insisted to continue the discussion

- I tried to explain that I dont want to talk but it didnt work

I dropped the call but I am afraid I will be getting more calls. Please help me to opt out from the database. May I prefer to GDPR or something?


In your customer area there is some otpions you can tick off to receive certain calls.

Good suggestions @Guimas , I tried to do it in app privacy settings but most of privacy options gone after I terminate co tract with NOS :(

Good suggestions @Guimas , I tried to do it in app privacy settings but most of privacy options gone after I terminate co tract with NOS :(


Good night @IVAN PADABED,

If you don’t have a contract you can’t restrict the contacts from marketing.

Please double check if you can find this options.

Thank you

Thanks @Jorge CC, the article you shared was useful, but unfortunately it confirmed that I cannot opt-out from marketing calls from the App. :(

My work around so far is adding NOS number to the phone Black list, so far so good :) 


Thank you for reaching out to us. The community shared a good help regarding this matter.

Please let us know if you keep getting any more unwanted calls so se can take further actions.

Thank you
