
Cancel Internet fixo

1. I cancel my Internet service 08.05.2017 In loja Torres Vedras ( started 26.12.2014, no 8604849 )
2. Why are you sending me message that you will take money from my bank-account even in july ?
3. Where can I find a phone-number to speak with somebody in English ?
Trying to call 16108 and I don not know what the voice say...

3 Comentários

The 1st thing to do is cancel the Direct Debit, if this is the way they can "...take money from my bank-account even in july...". Then you can ask them the reasons for continue sending invoices.

How to cancel a Direct Debit
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time and the process is very straightforward.

Simply contact your bank. A written confirmation may be required. It is also recommended you notify NOS, you could do it by sending them a copy of the letter you send to your bank.

Your bank will generally require at least a day's notice before the Direct Debit is due to be paid. Try not to leave it until the last minute or you run the risk of a payment being made. It is best to check how long your bank needs to do this.

Remember that cancelling the Direct Debit simply stops payments from going to NOS. If you carry on receiving the goods or service then you will have to organise an alternative payment method.

The information you should provide in order to cancel a Direct Debit is:

The name of the organisation you are paying - NOS Comunicaçoes
Your bank account number
The name(s) on the account
The branch sort code (see your cheque book)
Your customer reference with NOS.
The more information you can give, the easier it will be for the bank to action, so if you know the amount and payment date include this information too.

Money shouldn't be collected from your account after you have cancelled and under the Scheme rules, NOS would have to obtain your authority to reinstate a cancelled Instruction.

Once you have cancelled a Direct Debit take care to check subsequent bank statements to ensure that your instruction has been followed. That way any error will be identified immediately and steps can be taken quickly to secure a refund.

You can also cancel a Direct Debit at any Multibanco ATM using a debit card from the same bank account.
Olá !

Thx for your answer
It´s same sh.. in Spain where I have lived a lot of years...
I have already contact my bank and stop payment, but I think that´s horrible that NOS do like this...
I cancel everything in their own store and the contact hq and sign cancelpaper.... but 😞
They always try with these aggressive methods to make badly-informed customers pay something more.
Take care to check your bank statements in the next couple of weeks
