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I am trying to cancel my contract with NOS due to moving away to a new country. I mentioned this in the shop and later that day i received a call. My portuguese is not great but i can follow a normal conversation. They told me that moving away is not a valid reason to cancell the contract and i should tell them who will move into the house so they can change the contract to their name. I have no idea who the next renter will be and when the landlord will find something, I just want to cancell the contract. How is moving away not a valid reason to cancell the contract???

Hello @H-Lisboa,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

We’ve forwarded your request to a NOS specialized team. You’ll be contacted as soon as possible.

Let us know if there anything else we can help with.

Thank you

I’ve tried calling, however haven’t been able to receive any help.
I haven’t been contacted back by email or phone. (Phone number +1 ***********).

Thank you

Hello @H-Lisboa,

Thank you for your feedback.

Your phone number was redacted from your comment to protect your personal information.

Your request is being analyzed by a NOS specialized team, please wait for a contact.

Thank you

I tried calling again today, waited in the line for close to an hour and spoke to 4 different people in different departments, before being hung up on.

I need this sorted. It is easier for me to cancel the payments with my bank directly, but I want to make sure it is done in the best way. Unfortunately NOS seems to not care about transferring the contract properly.

I ask again for someone to please call me or email me.

Hello @H-Lisboa

We’re sorry to ear about this situation.

A NOS specialized department We will call you to the number ending in 438.

Thank you

Please contact me on the number mentioned above (ending in 9885), or by email.
A quick email should suffice to get this matter sorted.

Hello @H-Lisboa,

Thank you for your feedback.

There is no number in your account with that termination.

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile, with the NIF associated with the contract and preferred contact.

Thank you

I have sent a private message. Please also note that I gave the same number (ending in 9885, as stated above) and requested to be called back on that number, when speaking on the phone with NOS customer service.

Thank you for your feedback @H-Lisboa,

We’ve received your message and forwarded the information.

You’ll be contacted as soon as possible.

Thank you 

@Steve Hi Steve, may i ask as well the contact of the lawyer? Also i see they are removing the comments or moving them to other places in the forum.

Verónica Pisco, Almancil.  address and phone number in google search. Speaks english, very efficient.

Hello @Alex G,

Yes, your comments were moved to this topic to maintain the Forum’s organization.

Thank you 

Bom dia


Já fazem 13 dias que fiz o pedido de cancelamento, todas as informações solicitadas foram dadas e até agora não concluíram o pedido.

Poderiam por favor verificar e encerrar minha conta WTF o quanto antes.



Boa tarde,

Agradecemos o seu testemunho @Naiara Rigamont,

Recebemos a sua mensagem privada e estamos a acompanhar este tema.
Contamos ser breves na resposta.


Já se passaram mais 6 dias e continuo sem o cancelamento do serviço!!!

Já é um total de 20 dias tentando que vocês cancelem o serviço!!!!

Nenhuma das minhas mensagens no privado tem sido respondidas a dias!!!

Em breve será cobrada a mensalidade do próximo mês que serei obrigada a pagar por estar sendo IMPEDIDA de cancelar o serviço!!!



Bom dia @Naiara Rigamont
Lamentamos a demora. 
Ainda não nos foi possível responder à sua mensagem, vamos fazê-lo o mais rápido que nos for possível, pelo que pedimos a sua compreensão. 

Em alternativa, pode formalizar o cancelamento na loja NOS. 


Se houvesse realmente averiguado o meu caso saberia que nas mensagens enviadas expliquei  que não moro mais em Portugal, sendo esse o motivo do pedido de cancelamento, logo sua sugestão de ir a loja NOS não é uma alternativa. 

Inclusive ao explicar isso me pediram meu número de telefone internacional e informaram que iriam me ligar em 24h pra dar seguimento ao cancelamento, para o qual respondi com a informação solicitada.

Já fazem 11 dias desde então e nada de me ligarem.

Da próxima vez, se informe realmente de como está o caso antes de responder.

Boa tarde @Naiara Rigamont,

Agradecemos o seu testemunho.

Lamentamos não ter sido possível ainda verificar o tema que nos expôs.

Vamos responder à sua mensagem privada logo que possível.



I, too, am having difficulty cancelling my contract. I’ve gone to the store, who said I must call. I’ve called and waited. I’ve gone to the Nos website. The site says I must complete a form, but the link does not work. I clicked on the link in the email thread and it doesn’t work either. After numerous calls to and from NOS involving multiple transfers and ultimately disconnected before resolution, I finally was able to speak with a person (being on the phone for over 30 minutes with much of the time on hold) who said she opened the ticket and I could complete my cancellation on the Nos website. I do not see any ticket. The cancellation form link still does not work and am quickly thinking I might need an attorney to cancel my 2 year contract, which I have faithfully fulfilled. 

Hello @CONNIE P,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We’re sorry to ear about this situation.

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer Number and preferred contact.

We’ll help forwarding your request to the appropriated NOS department. 

Thank you 


I, too, am having difficulty cancelling my contract. I’ve gone to the store, who said I must call. I’ve called and waited. I’ve gone to the Nos website. The site says I must complete a form, but the link does not work. I clicked on the link in the email thread and it doesn’t work either. After numerous calls to and from NOS involving multiple transfers and ultimately disconnected before resolution, I finally was able to speak with a person (being on the phone for over 30 minutes with much of the time on hold) who said she opened the ticket and I could complete my cancellation on the Nos website. I do not see any ticket. The cancellation form link still does not work and am quickly thinking I might need an attorney to cancel my 2 year contract, which I have faithfully fulfilled. 

Wish u the best.  Stay on top of them and dont take any bullshit.  If they overcharge you because the cancellation did not work, just write them once per registered mail that if they dont take care of it inside of 14 days, you will then seek out a lawyer and they will be responsible for the costs.  I actually did this once and it worked perfectly.  If you are in the algarve, i can suggest a fantastic portuguese lady who gets the job done.


I, too, am having difficulty cancelling my contract. I’ve gone to the store, who said I must call. I’ve called and waited. I’ve gone to the Nos website. The site says I must complete a form, but the link does not work. I clicked on the link in the email thread and it doesn’t work either. After numerous calls to and from NOS involving multiple transfers and ultimately disconnected before resolution, I finally was able to speak with a person (being on the phone for over 30 minutes with much of the time on hold) who said she opened the ticket and I could complete my cancellation on the Nos website. I do not see any ticket. The cancellation form link still does not work and am quickly thinking I might need an attorney to cancel my 2 year contract, which I have faithfully fulfilled. 

Wish u the best.  Stay on top of them and dont take any bullshit.  If they overcharge you because the cancellation did not work, just write them once per registered mail that if they dont take care of it inside of 14 days, you will then seek out a lawyer and they will be responsible for the costs.  I actually did this once and it worked perfectly.  If you are in the algarve, i can suggest a fantastic portuguese lady who gets the job done.


Oh, lawyers name is in the above messages!


Hello. We are moving back to Germany and have been trying to cancel our contract since May. We went to the shop, which did nothing, we sent a request to the customer area and now we are trying to call the hotline for the 3rd time, but are always kicked out after 25 minutes. Apart from that, I don't understand the announcements. What can we do to cancel and to get the confirmation about the termination and to bring the items/devices back? It is horrible!



Thank you for reaching out to us. We’ll assist you on solving this matter.

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer Number and preferred contact.

Thank you 

Ok is the contract finally terminated? 

we went to the shops many times since May 2023 and gave written letters to your employees and office managers 
