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I have a technical question about your NET + TV Box (NOT Sat!).

I wanted to know if I take a NET/TV/Voz subscription, may I also use the TV Box abroad part of the time (in Luxembourg)?

I’m asking this because we generally are 3 months/year in Portugal, the rest of the year we live in Luxembourg. It would be handy to have TV in Portugal with your TV box during those 3 months and taking the TV box with us to Luxembourg the rest of the year, in order to have Portguese TV there with your box.

Is your TV Box blocked to NOS internet subscription line (is it checking the internet IP before connecting to the IP TV service)?

Thank you for your response.

Hello @Iridio,

No! The TV box connects trough the cable network in Portugal.

If you wanna see TV you can use the App NOS TV.

Thank you


If it's satellite service, yes. Many Portuguese immigrants hire Portuguese satellite services to be able to see in the country where they are.

If it's satellite service, yes. Many Portuguese immigrants hire Portuguese satellite services to be able to see in the country where they are.


Hello, @Iridio 

Thank you for your message. @Olaf and @Jorge C gave a good help! Its only possible if you have a satelite service!

Let us know if you have further questions. 

Kind regards.
