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I rented the movie - Mother King.  The play back started well but soon the sound track trailed the movie video making in impossible to watch.  How do I fix this or get a refund?

I rented the movie - Mother King.  The play back started well but soon the sound track trailed the movie video making in impossible to watch.  How do I fix this or get a refund?

Good evening, does the problem happen on the box or on the NOS Tv app? Disconnect the box from the etetrica current and reconnect a few seconds later, if it is not resolved, send a private message with your customer number to the @Fórum  profile so that moderation can help.

Obrigado Jose.  The problem is on the app.  No other movie has been or is a problem.  I will followup with @Fórum   

Hello @Len Raney,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

@Jose Rodrigues gave a good help. Please send us a private message to the @Fórum profile with your NOS Costumer Number.

Thank you 

The problem resolved itself after several more restarts.  I enjoyed the movie.  Thank you Jose and Joao.

Hello @Len Raney,

Thank you for your feedback. 

Please share with us any questions you may have. We’re always available to help. 😊

Thank you 
