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3 times technicians came to my house to fix the box, finally i’ve changed it to DVR... but I can’t record ... I can’t watch the guide... I only see what is current!!

Any tips?
I never tried recording anything yet and I'm new to this crap NOS service so can't help much...

But make sure the box has good connection with the router (Ethernet cable RJ45) since to record\pause and watch the automatic recordings need to be made via internet while the live view of the channels use the coaxial cable (antenna type).

Try resetting your router and your Box and after the resetting is fully completed turn all the equipments OFF from the wallet and connect them back (turn them all ON again), wait for them to get operational and see if it fixes your problem.

If your box provided by NOS is the old type with HDD inside, don't do a reset, because I have no clue if it will erase all your recordings, wait for someone else with more knowledge about it. (I have always had MEO and don't know how old NOS stuff works or if they even had HDD inside, MEO ADSL boxes have HDD inside for example)

But I don't know exactly what are you using, what box, what internet service you have and so on...

And in case you are actually talking about a true DVR equipment bought by you, then you will have to check its manual to see how to record to it's HDD or record to DVD or whatever it uses. For example I have a old DVR that my father bought and each DVR has its menus and settings, our lets us burn to DVD's or save in its HDD, but its old that doesn't even have HDMI input only components or Scart, so its a old crap with low quality (its a general DVR bought without having anything to do with any service provider) 😞...

In case its actually a bought DVR not provided by NOS, if you are using HDMI it might be because of HDMI HDCP that might be blocking to not allow recording, try enabling it in the DVR... And I also have no clue if NOS boxes let you record them trough HDMI or if they lock with HDCP allowing only low quality recording, no clue on that...
