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NOS 2=1 not available

I am a NOS user as I have 2 SIM cards and internet with NOS.

I have the Cinema NOS app but I cannot get 2 for  1 cinema tickets. 

Is this only available for specific customers?

8 Comentários

Reputação 7
Crachá +2

“O Cartão NOS é um cartão personalizado, destinado a clientes particulares com o serviço de televisão subscrito e ativo “

Need to have TV service.

Thank you 

I also have the 4K TV box with 150 channels. Does that count?

Reputação 7
Crachá +6

Hello @Savannah Rose

If you have the Television Internet and Telephone service contracted with NOS, yes, you have access to the Cinemas NOS card. This is available on the App. You must associate the contracted services to the Client Area. Find out how to do it at: 

Learn more about the card at:

Best Regards, 

Reputação 7
Crachá +2

Thank you 

I also have the 4K TV box with 150 channels. Does that count?

Yes. Probably will need to contact customer support to see card status.

Reputação 7

Thank you 

I also have the 4K TV box with 150 channels. Does that count?


Hello there @Savannah Rose,

Some additional information from NOS site.

Thank you

Reputação 7
Crachá +6

Hello @Savannah Rose 

The community helped a lot.
Please tell us if you already have access to the card

Best Regards, 

Thank you everyone for your help.

Ive tried linking the TV services with my client area but it says my Bilhete de identidade / Cartão de cidadão is incorrect.

I  think ill have to contact support or visit a store to try get it linked

Reputação 7
Crachá +5

Hello @Savannah Rose,

Thank you for your feedback. We’ll assist you in this.

Please send us a private message to the @Fórum with your NOS Costumer Number, and your registration email for the Área de Cliente.

Thank you
