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special clint purchase

I am Clint of nos internet service in my house. Later, I purchased one television in installment. May I purchase additional mobile phone in installment ? how many installment may I purchase please ! 

3 Comentários

Reputação 7
Crachá +5

Good afternoon, see the necessary conditions to make installment purchases in the online store here:

Reputação 7
Crachá +5

Good afternoon, see the necessary conditions to make installment purchases in the online store here:   If the conditions are met to make an installment purchase, the value of the 2nd. purchase must not exceed € 700.00


Reputação 7
Crachá +6

Hello @Prem Chandra Bhandari e @Jose Rodrigues

@Prem Chandra Bhandari, the @Jose Rodrigues was a good help! :blush:

If you have any more questions or suggestions, share with us.

Thank you
