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best way to watch us open tennis?

The perfect solution would be to record all tennis matches on my 1000h allowance and watch them later. Is this possible at NOS TV?

Yes you can select the program you want and record it.

I have seen a record options, thanks!  What I am asking what channels US Open will be available on?  Do I have to buy extra channels beside that I have in my standard plan?

Also if I go to GUIDA and search for ‘us open’ I see a lot of boxes pop up but these look like a year old from 2021. The info ‘i’ button shows no date information and is very brief.

All this works for me only on the PC interface at . Trying to use the ‘UMA’ with remote control is so hard.

Hello @peterz11

You need to search for the specific content name and select "Gravar". 
Best Regards


I am totally spoiled with my TiVo experience in US. You would select all US Open to record on you local hard drive with real time rewind etc. On UMA I finally figured out that search is unreliable. The only way I can watch US Open is to put just two channels into my favorite channel filter and then look at them with “GUIDA” and select each program in the guide.
